




(    )1、—Thank you very much!

—           .

A、OK    B、You are welcome.    C、All right.    D、This is OK.

(    )2、Welcome back          hometown.

A、to    B、on    C、for    D、with

(    )3、First          all, you will tell me your name.

A、at    B、of    C、with    D、for

(    )4、         first, I didn’t want to go, but soon I changed my mind.

A、At    B、Of    C、With    D、For

(    )5、He is careful in          every thing.

A、do    B、doing    C、to do    D、does

(    )6、Tom          to her bedroom but found nothing.

A、hurry    B、hurried    C、hurries    D、in a hurry

(    )7、I didn’t have breakfast and went to school         .

A、hurried    B、hurries    C、in a hurry    D、hurry

(    )8、—Why is she going to lie on the beach?

—         she likes the sun and the sea.

A、For    B、Because    C、So    D、As

(    )9、This is my key. Who         it?

A、looked for    B、found out    C、found

(    )10、At the moment, he          English book.

A、is read    B、is reading    C、are reading    D、read

(    )11、       he is in the room.

A、Maybe    B、May be    C、May    D、Can be

(    )12、We are thinking about          London for our holiday.

A、going to    B、to go to    C、to go     D、going for

(    )13、You must choose Mike         our leader.

A、as    B、with    C、for    D、to

(    )14、Which computer will you         ?

A、choose    B、chose    C、choosing    D、to choose

(    )15、He chose          games.

A、not to play    B、to not play    C、not play    D、no to play

(    )16、We must try our best          there in time.

A、to get    B、get    C、getting    D、gets

(    )17、Can I have          again?

A、try    B、tries    C、trying    D、a try

(    )18、—Is that          eraser?

—No, that’s         .

A、your; her    B、your; his    C、her; my    D、he; his

(    )19、         mobile phone is red and          mobile phone is purple.

A、Your; my    B、You; I    C、You; My    D、My; you

(    )20、—What is          name?

—It’s Lily.

A、she    B、her    C、hers    D、your

(    )21、—Excuse me. Are          Tina?

—Yes,          name is Tina White.

A、your; I    B、you; my    C、your; my    D、they; their

(    )22、—What is          family number?

—        285397.

A、your; It     B、his; He is    C、his; Her phone number     D、his; It is

(    )23、Linda doesn’t like          bicycle.          Likes mine.

A、your; She    B、your; Her    C、yours; Hers    D、hers; She

(    )24、—What is he looking         ?

—He lost his pen.

A、at    B、after    C、for    D、out

(    )25、Li Tao is a boy.          is my friend.          English name is Teddy.

A、He; He    B、He; His    C、My; His    D、Me; He

(    )26、—Are          coats yours?

—Yes, they are.

A、they    B、these    C、this    D、there

(    )27、—Is this         ruler?

—No.         is over there.

A、her; Her    B、her; Hers    C、hers; Hers    D、hers; her

(    )28、I hoe you          join us for the picnic tomorrow.

A、need    B、must    C、should    D、can

(    )29、What          you do to help her?

A、can    B、must    C、may    D、need

(    )30、—          you play the piano?

—Of course I can.

A、Must    B、May    C、Can    D、Would

(    )31、Tom, you          play with the knife. It’s dangerous.

A、won’t    B、may    C、must    D、can’t

(    )32、—Can I help you?

—         .

A、Yes you can    B、No, I can do it

C、Yes, I’d like some oranges    D、Yes, please

(    )33、Look! The boys are playing          football.

A、a    B、an    C、the    D、不填

(    )34、What would you like         ?

A、to go    B、to do    C、do    D、doing

(    )35、She likes          violin very much.

A、play    B、play the    C、plays the    D、playing the

(    )36、There’s going to be a football match          Friday afternoon.

A、in    B、at    C、on    D、to

(    )37、Are they going          a picnic this Saturday?

A、for    B、with    C、to    D、on

(    )38、We will          the river.

A、cross    B、across    C、go cross    D、not across

(    )39、Why not          English carefully?

A、studying    B、to study    C、study    D、studies

(    )40、She enjoys          on the beach.

A、lie    B、lying    C、to lie    D、lies

(    )41、Tom and Sam          going to          a football match this afternoon.

A、is; watching    B、are; watching    C、is; watch    D、are; watch

(    )42、—What about          hiking this Sunday?

—Great. I’d like          with you.

A、to go; going    B、going; going    C、going; to go

(    )43、—I’m going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow.

—         !

A、Enjoy yourself    B、Come on    C、Good luck    D、It doesn’t matter

(    )44、—          are you going to do?

—I’m going to see my grandmother.

A、What    B、Why    C、How    D、Who

(    )45、She will leave her homework          the teacher’s desk after school.

A、from    B、to    C、for    D、on

(    )46、Don’t          to late, or you’ll feel tired in tomorrow’s classes.

A、stay up    B、wake up    C、get up    D、give up

(    )47、She          very busy this week; she          free next week.

A、will be; is    B、is; is    C、will be; will be    D、is; will be

(    )48、There          a dolphin(海豚) show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

A、was    B、is going to have    C、will have    D、is going to be

(    )49、Mr. Smith          a talk on country music next Monday.

A、give    B、gave    C、has given    D、will give

(    )50、He will be a doctor          two months.

A、on    B、after    C、in    D、at

(    )51、It will get cold          the North Pole(北极).

A、in    B、at    C、to    D、on

(    )52、—Could you help me do some cleaning tomorrow?

—If I         , I will do it.

A、am free    B、will be free    C、will have time    D、had time

(    )53、There          a strong wind here tomorrow.

A、will is    B、are    C、will have    D、is going to be

(    )54、—          is the man talking with Mr. Wang?

—He’s Liu Ying’s father, Mr. Liang.

A、What    B、Where    C、Which    D、Who

(    )55、—          are the lemons?

—Ten yuan a kilo.

A、What    B、How many    C、How much    D、Where

(    )56、—          strawberries do you want?

—Four kilos, please.

A、How many    B、How much    C、Where    D、Whose

(    )57、—I’d like to buy a computer          brother.

—What about this one?

A、to    B、for    C、with    D、of

(    )58、—Can I          ?

—Certainly. Here you are.

A、try on it    B、try it on    C、trying it on    D、trying on it

(    )59、—It’s Sunday tomorrow. What are you going to do?

—I want          shopping with my mother.

A、go    B、to go    C、going    D、going

(    )60、—I’d like          beans. How much are they?

—Five yuan a kilo. Ten yuan, please.

A、a kilo    B、two kilos    C、two kilos of    D、two kilo of

(    )61、What do you usually do          Saturdays?

A、at    B、in    C、on    D、for

(    )62、The computer doesn’t work. There’s          wrong with it.

A、something    B、anything    C、nothing    D、everything

(    )63、—What did you buy for your daughter at the supermarket?

—I bought         , because I couldn’t find          she likes.

A、something; anything    B、anything; something

C、nothing; anything    D、something; nothing

(    )64、I’m looking forward          there.

A、go    B、to go    C、goes    D、to going

(    )65、Yesterday he and I          at school. We were at home.

A、am    B、aren’t    C、weren’t    D、was

(    )66、There          something dirty on the desk just now.

A、is    B、was    C、are    D、were

(    )67、My aunt was born          Beijing          June 9th, 1980.

A、at; in    B、on; at    C、in; on    D、in; in

(    )68、—What          they         ?

—They were well-behaved(表现好).

A、were; like    B、do; like    C、does; like    D、was; like

(    )69、The teacher came in          a book          her hand.

A、with; in    B、with; on    C、have; in    D、take; in

(    )70、Let me tell                    past life.

A、you; you    B、me; your    C、you; my    D、me; my

(    )71、She is very busy. There are lots of things          every day.

A、do    B、to do     C、doing    D、does

(    )72、Sam is in China now. He’ll go back         .

A、day    B、in days    C、one day    D、some days

(    )73、          is watching TV. Let’s turn it off

A、Somebody    B、Anybody    C、Nobody    D、Everybody

(    )74、There were five bowls          some nice food          them.

A、of; on    B、with; in    C、with; on    D、in; on

(    )75、I decided          a birthday cake          my mother on her birthday.

A、to buy; for    B、to buy; to    C、buying; to    D、buying; for

(    )76、She didn’t like the two chairs—they were         .

A、nice     B、comfortable    C、uncomfortable    D、friendly

(    )77、Listen! Who is knocking          the door?

A、at    B、on    C、to    D、A and B

(    )78、My sister          her homework ten minutes ago.

A、finish    B、finishes    C、finished    D、is finishing

(    )79、Try          late for school again, please.

A、to be    B、don’t be    C、not to be    D、be not

(    )80、—Did your parents go to the cinema yesterday?

—No, we          stayed at home.

A、both    B、all    C、either    D、none

(    )81、He pointed          the map and showed us where he lived.

A、down    B、for    C、at    D、up


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