



一 单项选择 (15分)

( )1.The supermarket is ______Fifth Avenue .

A.  in         B.   at       C.   on

(   ) 2. What does he  want _______?

A.  do        B.   to be     C.  be

(   ) 3. Lucy wants _____her grandma on October 10th.

A.  see       B.   seeing    C.  to see

(   ) 4. Where ____Paul and Steve _____from ?

A.  do ,  comes    B.  does,  come   C.  do , come

(   ) 5. ________cleaning the blackboard ?   Lucy .

A. Who’s      B.  Who are    C.  Who

(   ) 6. How’s it going?  ___________ .

A.    That’s all right .  B.  No, it isn’t .   C. Great !

(   ) 7. Look! He_________ over there .

A. plays basketball   B. is playing basketball   C. is playing the basketball

(   )8. I like dogs because they are_______ friendly .

A. a kind of    B.  kinds of    C.  kind of

(   )9. At night the koala bear gets up and _________ .

A. eats leaf    B.  eat  leaf   C. eats leaves

(   )10.The panda likes ________with her friends

A. playing     B.  play    C. to playing

(   )11.Can you _____me the way _____ the bank?

A. say , to     B.  tell , to   C. speak ,of

(   )12.Tom_____at a TV station. His job is _______ .

A. work, exciting  B. works, an exciting  C. works ,exciting

(   )13.The pay phone is ______ the library .

A. between    B.  crossing   C. across from

(   )14. It’s time _____ lunch .

A.  have    B.  to have   C. having

(   )15.He wants to send a letter ,he can go to the _______.


二.日常交谈。请从B栏中找出与A栏各句相应的答语 。(5分)

(   )1.How’s the weather ?          A. Yes.Just go straight and turn right.

(   )2.Why do you like penguins ?    B.Yes ,it is .

(   )3.What do they do ?            C. It’s sunny .

(   )4.Is it a boring job ?            D. Because they are cute .

(   )5.Excuse me. Is there a post      E. They are waiters .

office near here ?

三.阅读理解 (20分)



Birds can fly in the air .Fishes can swim in water .Tigers live on land. They are different but they are all animals .People like many interesting and beautiful animals but also dislike many of them .The Mickey Mouse(米老鼠)appears(出现)on a lot of toys and clothes for children .It is children’s favorite all over the world .But a real mouse isn’t cute . No one likes it .

(   )1.  Tigers can’t fly .

(   )2.  People like all animals .

(   )3.  The Mickey Mouse is a real animal in the zoo .

(   )4.  Children like Mickey Mouse very much .

(   )5.  A real mouse is also cute .


请阅读山西省某月三天内的天气状况,然后完成表格 。分别把当天中会经历的天气状况用√标出。

Here’s the weather report .

On Monday it rains and it’s windy all day .You can feel a little bit cold because it is windy . And it is humid . On Tuesday morning it is cloudy . But it is sunny in the afternoon . On Wednesday it is windy and it snows . It is cold all day .




(6) sunny

(7) rain

(8) cloudy

(9) snow

(10) windy


Writing,  talking,  sitting ,  playing,  swimming , flying,  sunny,  studying,  drawing,    having

Dear Bob,

My name is Rich .I’m fourteen years old .I’m(1)__________ in a middle school .My school is nice and clean. There are 30 students in my class .It’s(2) _______ today . My classmates and I are(3) ________ a good time on the beach .It’s a nice place .The water is blue and clear . Many birds are(4) ________ over the sea .Many people are (5)_________ . Some boys are(6) _________ football . Some people are (7)________ on the beach . A girl is(8) _________  pictures on a chair .Another girl is (9)________ photos .I’m (10)_________to you ! What are you doing ? I hope you can write to me soon .

Best wishes!



Name:   Mary Dale

Birthday : November 19th

Nationality :American

Living place :California or Montana

Favorite pets :dogs and horses

Favorite colors :silver(银色)and blue

A  journalist(记者) is asking Marry Dale ,an 1________ actress(女演员), some questions .

J=journalist     M=Marry  Dale

J: May I know your 2____________?

M: Sure .My birthday is 3________   4 __________ .

J: Where are you 5__________ now .

M: I am living in California now but sometimes I 6________ in Montana .

J: What kind of 7_________ is your favorite ?

M: Dogs and 8_________ .

J: I see you wear sliver and blue dresses a lot .

M: Oh, yes .Sliver and 9_______ are my favorite(10) ______.



1.We are ________(take) photos now .

2.How about _________(go) to the Great Wall .

3.Army _______(like ) talking to people.

4.I can ________(speak)English and French .

5.Bridge Street is a good place _________( have) fun .

B.根据句意及首字母提示完成单词 。

6.This is the b__________ of the garden tour .

7.I’m  s____________ they can play in the heat .

8.Let’s see the pandas f_________.

9.L_________ are from South Africa .

10.    He’s a policeman .It’s a  d _____________ job .

七.写作 (10分)


Name : Bill    Age : 5


Food : leaves

Like : sleep during the day

你猜出它是谁了吗 ? 请根据告示牌的提示对它进行简单的描述.至少五句话以上


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