



一. 动词时态填空:

1.I ______(be )from America .I _______(speak )English .

2.Bill often ______(go )to school by bike ,but he _______(go)to school on foot this morning because his bike ______(be )broken .

3.What _____Jim ______(do )? He is a middle school student .

4.Can you ______(tell )me the way to the post office ?

5.Where______his parents ______(work )now ,do you know ?

6.We have to ______(clean )our classroom on Sundays .

7.Look !The children _________(play )volleyball on the playground .

8.Yesterday Ann _______(visit ) aunt Wang with her classmates .

9.Would you _____(like )another piece of bread ,Peter ?

10._________(not eat )in class ,please .

11._____(be )there anything new in today’s newspaper ?

12.Lucy _____(be )born in Canada on September 12 th ,1990.

13.Lily ______(have )a medium build ,she _____(look )beautiful.

14.What _____(be )the weather like last Sunday ?It _____(be )sunny .

15.Where ______she ______(work )?She works in an office .

16.There ______(be )an orange ,an apple and five pears on the table .

17.Long long ago ,there _____(be )many animals in the world .

18.I ________(not think )he is right .

19.What _____you _____(do )over the weekend ,Joy ?

20.It’s seven o’clock ,the Greens __________(watch )TV at home .


1.No_______(talk )in class .

2.Do you enjoy _______(work )in China ?

3.They want _________(be )scientists .

4.What do you decide ________(do )?

5.It takes him half an hour _______(get )to school by bike every day .

6.It’s time _______(go )home ,let’s ______(go ).

7.Li Ping finished _________(read )the interesting story just now .

8.Bob usually helps his mother ________(cook )supper .

9.How about _________(walk )to the park ?

10._______(eat )too much is bad for your health (健康).

11.Helen is good at _______(play )the guitar .

12.Thanks for _______(teach )us so well .

13.He made us _______(feel )very happy at the party .

14.You can find somebody _______(eat )hamburgers in a restaurant .

15.Do you like _______(fly )kites with us ?


1.The library is across _______my school .

2.The bank is _______the supermarket and the hospital .

3.The video arcade is next ______the park .

4.Turn right ____the first turning and take the second turning _____the left ,then you’ll see the tall building _____your right hand side .

5.Don’t be late ______class next time ,Xiao Lin .

6.Her father often helps him ______Japanese .

7.Go ______this street ,then walk ______the gate of the building .

8.What does she look ______?She is tall and thin .

9.Stop working ,it’s time ______lunch now .

10.What ______this blue skirt ?It looks very nice .

11.The poor girl was born ____India ____December fifth ,1996.

12.The old woman _____glasses is over sixty years old .

13.He often has vegetables and rice _____breakfast .

14.What’s the weather _______today ?

15.What do you think _____game shows ?

16.Do you agree ______Li Ping ?

17.Mrs Black is very friendly _____us.

18.There are a lot _____apples on the apple trees .

19.Pandas are kind ____interesting and shy .

20.Jim often gets up _____six o’clock _____the morning .


1.It’s very _______(cloud ),it is going to rain later on.

2.Mr King teaches ______(they )French .

3.Linda is from ________(America ),she is an ________(America )girl .

4.Do you have any ________(tomato )and ________(potato )?

5.Look !The children are taking _______(photo )over there .

6.Is this _______(your )eraser ?No ,that yellow one is ______(my ).

7.We know September is the _______(nine )month of the year .

8.I like ______(chicken )for supper,but I don’t like _______(fish ).

9.He is in trouble ,let’s go and help ______(he ).

10.Why not join us ?The work is very _______(interest ).


1.What day is it today ?It’s ________(星期三).

2.How’s the ________(天气)today ?

3.Bob and Alice are in________(不同的)classes .

4.Don’t go too high ,it’s _________(危险)

5.How many _______(人)are there in your family ?

6.Last night it ________(下雨)very heavily .


( )1.Can you _______me clearly ?

A. look B. look at C. see D. see at

( )2._______Saturday evening ,I must go to bed early .

A. On B. In C. At D. For

( )3.They _______a birthday party the day before yesterday .

A. have B. having C. had D. has

( )4.Does Lily like ________?

A. play piano B. playing football

C. playing guitar D. play the baseball

( )5.Would you like ________apple juice ?

A. some B. any C. an D. many

( )6.Can you speak Japanese ?Yes ,but only __________.

A. a few B. few C. a little D. little

( )7.He didn’t pass the examination ,he is _________.

A. happy B. glad C. unhappy D. heavy

( )8.---_____________?

---She is a policewoman . x k b1.co m

A. What does your mother do B. What does she look like

C. Who’s that woman D. Is your sister a bank clerk

( )9.There are five ___________in our school .

A. woman teacher B. woman teachers

C. women teacher D. women teachers

( )10.Stop ________!The teacher is coming .

A. to talk B. to talking C. talking D. talk

( )11.When did you _________?

A. get B. arrive C. reach D. get to

( )12.---_______I smoke here ? ---_____________.

A. Can ;Yes ,you can’t B. May ; No, you can

C. Can ;Yes ,you can D. May ,Yes ,you may not

( )13.I have ________rules .

A. too many B. too much C. much too D. many too

( )14.Look at the picture .What ______the boy _______?

A. does ;do B. is ;do C. is;doing D. is;does

( )15.It’s about ______walk .A. ten minute B. ten minutes C. ten minutes’ D. ten minute’s


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