



一 听小对话,选择正确答案。5%

1 Who can play the piano?

A  Lucy.          B Bob.         C Mary.

2 When does the man usually drink tea?

A  At breakfast.     B  After lunch.   C  Before dinner.

3 How old is the tiger?

A 11               B  12         C 13

4 What is Alex going to do tonight?

A Listen to music.   B  Play sports.   C Watch a basketball match.

5 What does the woman think of lions?

A Cute.          B Scary.         C unfriendly.

二 听较长对话,回答问题。10%

Dialogue A

(  )6 Where are they talking ?

A In the clothes shop.  B In a fruit shop.  C In a supermarket.

(   ) 7 How much does the girl pay for the T-shirt?

A Thirty dollars.    B Thirteen dollars.    C Sixteen dollars.

Dialogue B

(   )8 What does Jim’s father teach at school?

A English    B Chinese    C Math

(   ) 9 When does his school start ?

A At 7:30   B At 8:00     C We don’t know.

(  ) 10 How does he go to school?

A By bus.    B On foot.     C In his car.

三 听独白,选择正确答案。10%

(   ) 1 What time does Lucy get up every morning?

A At six clock.      B At six thirty.    C At seven o’clock.

(   ) 2 Why can’t she relax herself on weekends?

A  She has to do lots of homework.    B  She has to clean her room.

C  She has to learn the guitar.

(   ) 3 How many school rules are mentioned (提及)?

A  Two.           B  Three.        C  Five.

(    ) 4 What does Lucy think of her parents?

A Too strict.        B Very kind.      C Friendly.

(   ) 5 How does Lucy feel now?

A Bored.           B Unhappy.       C Tired.

笔试  95%

四 单项选择  15%

1 Ben can play ______ soccer, but he can’t play ______ piano.

A the, the,       B the ,/       C /, the        D / ,/

2 ---______ you stay under the water for two more minutes?

--Are you kidding?(开玩笑) It would kill me.

A Should       B Need       C Must      D Can

3 --_________ does Tony go to school ?   -- He usually goes to school at 7:25.

A What’s the time ?       B What time      C What      D When’s

4 --______ does it take you to walk to school?  --About 20 minutes.

A How far             B How often       C How long   D How soon

5 –_____French every morning?

--Yes, but now I ____ English.

A Are you reading, read        B Do you read, read

C Do you read, am reading     D Are you reading, am reading

6 –How does your brother usually go to school?  --______ car.

A By        B In       C On      D With

7 –Mike, _____ play with your ruler in class.  –Oh, I’m sorry.

A don’t    Bdoesn’t    C can’t   D not

8 I have to get up ____ six___ the morning of Monday.

A at, on     B at, in        C on, in      D on, at

9 –What’s your family rule?  --I can’t play after school. I ____ do my homework first.

A can       B have to      C don’t      D can’t

10 Emma says her favorite _____ is meat.

A animal      B sport     C food       D fruit

11 I often ____ the zoo in my free time.

A visit     B buy      C go      D play

12 –Let’s watch TV.   --_________.

A OK, I will not      B No, thanks   C That sounds good     D OK, I’d love to

13 There are 25 girls in Miss Green’s class. One of them ______ Singapore.

A come from        B are from     C comes from          D is come from

14--Please don’t run in the hallway.  --______, Mr King.

A Thank you      B You’re right   C Excuse me           D Sorry

15 –Thank you for ____ me clean the classroom !  --That’s all right.

A help           B helping      C helps                 D to help


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