




第一部分  听对话回答问题(计10分,每小题1分)


( )1. Where does Mike’s e-friend come from?

A.                  B.                  C.

( )2. What’s Andy’s father’s job?

A.                 B.               C     C.

( )3. Which room does the man’s like best?

A.                B.                 C.

( )4. How does Paul go to school?

A.               B.                C.

( )5.What’s Tom’s father like?

A. Fat.        B. Short.       C. Thin.

( )6.What are they talking about?

A. Fruit.        B. Vegetables.    C. Meat

( )7.Where are they talking?

A. In a restaurant.     B. In a library.    C. In a shoe shop.

( )8.How is Tim feeling now?

A. happy.       B. hungry(饥饿的)    C. sad.

( )9.What does the woman want to buy?

A. Clothes.        B. Children’s shoes.   C. Sports shoes

(   )10. How many floors does the building have?

A. 14 floors.    B. 15 floors.     C. 16 floors.

第二部分 听对话和短文回答问题。(计10分,每小题1分)



( )11. Who will go boating in the park?

A. Andy.              B. Jim and Kate.      C. Andy, Jim and Kate

( )12. Where will they meet?

A. At the gate of the park.     B. At the gate of the school.  C. At Kate’s home


What does Mrs. Black buy one day? She buys ______13_________.

Where does Mrs. Black put the paper? She puts it in______14________.

Who takes away the fish suddenly?  ______15_____takes away the fish.

(   )13. A. a fish     B. some meat    C. some beef

(   )14. A. her daughter’s hat  B. her daughter’s pocket  C. her son’s pocket

(   )15. A. A sheep    B. A dog       C. A cat


(      ) 16、When did Millie and her friends go to the park?

A. Last Sunday.         B. Last Saturday.        C. Last Tuesday.

(      ) 17、Who did Millie fly kites with?

A.John and Amy.       B. Suzy and Andy.        C. Lucy and Andy.

(      ) 18、Where did they have lunch?

A.At home.            B. At school.           C. In the park.

(      ) 19、What did they do in the afternoon?

A.They played games.  B. They flew kites. C. They took some pictures.

(      )20、Where did they put pictures?

A. In the trees.            B. In the classroom.     C. In the street.


21.There is         old TV in the sitting room .       TV is made in China.

A. a, The        B an , The     C an, a       D the ,the

22. We will arrive _________Sunshine Town__________ the afternoon of March 3rd.

A. at, in        B. in, on        C. in, in          D. at, at

23.The Smiths always have a rest in the___ _after dinner.

A. bedroom        B. kitchen       C. bathroom     D. sitting room

24.      the road and you’ll see the hospital.

A. Crossing      B. Walk cross    C. Walk across   D. Across

25. It____ Tom twenty minutes to get to the nearest town every day.

A. pays        B. costs     C. spends         D. takes

26. Why_______ the modern city with us ?

A. not to visit  B. don’t visit   C. not visit  D. not visiting

27. --- Which floor does Anna live ______?

--- The _____ floor

A. in; nineteenth   B. in; nineteen   C. on; nineteenth    D. on; nineteen

28. ______ nice weather it is today!

A. What     B. What a    C. How     D. How a

29. This book is really interesting. Could you ________ it with me?

A. give          B. share           C. tell          D. show

30. I don’t like this shirt. Could you show me ________ one?

A. the other   B. other   C. another   D. the others

31. --- How are you going to the Summer Palace?

--- We’re going there ________

A. on  bike       B. with  bike       C. by bike.     D. by my bike


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