


威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家精心准备这篇七年级英语暑假作业检测题,希望大家可以通过做题巩固自己上学所学到的知识,注意:千万不能抄答案噢!

第一卷 (共50分)


(  ) 1.—Look! There is ________ orange under ________ tree.  —Let’s go and pick it up.

A. a, the     B. an, the    C. an, a       D. the, the

(  ) 2. There are 3 erasers on the table. ________ one is yours?

A. What     B. Which     C. Whose      D. Who’s

(  ) 3. I have a sister. ________ is an English teacher. This English book is________.

A. Her, Hers   B. Her, her     C. She, her     D. She, hers

(  ) 4. — Linda, when shall we take a walk?  —After I finish       my homework.

A. check        B. check         C. to check         D. checking

(  ) 5. —My grandfather is ill.  — ________ .

A. Sorry     B. Excuse me     C. That’s too bad    D. I’m sorry to hear that

(  ) 6. Behind the door _________ some apples.

A. is          B. are             C. be              D. /

(  ) 7. —Can I help you, madam? —I’d like a kilo of ________ .

A. milk     B. cake     C. banana      D. apple

(  ) 8. School ________. Let’s go home.

A. begins    B. is off      C. is over       D. is over there

(  ) 9. —________ is your new bike?

—1,000 yuan.

A. How many   B. How much   C. How about     D. Where

(  ) 10. Do you read English ________?

A. every morning  B. in morning    C. on every morning  D. in every morning

(  ) 11. Mrs. Green comes from ________.

A. English    B. American   C. Australia     D. Japanese

(  ) 12. Best wishes ________ New Year’s Day and best wishes ______ you.

A. to; for        B. to; to          C. for; for          D. for; to

(  ) 13. It ________her three weeks to study lessons.

A. spends       B. cost           C. waste           D. takes

(  ) 14. I hope ________ go to the park with me next week.

A. her to        B. her            C. /               D. she will

(  ) 15. He          at painting, but he doesn’t           in playing chess.

A. is good, does well   B. does well, is good

C. is good, do well     D. do well, is good

(  ) 16. I will go to the hospital this afternoon. There is_______ with my nose.

A. nothing wrong B. wrong nothing   C. anything wrong   D. something wrong

(  ) 17. —________ you cross the street every morning? —No. But I _________ it this afternoon.

A. Do, do       B. Do, will do     C. Will, do          D. Will, will do

(  ) 18. —________ do you like eating?

—I like eating rice, meat and all kinds of vegetables.

A. How much  B. How many    C. What       D. How

(  ) 19. _______ late for music class again next time, .

A. Don’t be      B. Be not        C. Not be          D. Don’t

(  ) 20. I think Dick can __________ his camera in the lost and __________ office.

A. find, find     B. finds, finds    C. find, found       D. found, find


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