


far away from, on foot, be late for, on the phone, after school

Andy: Are you and Jane good friends, Wendy?

Wendy: Yes, we are. We are both (都) in the Tennis Club and we always go to the club together (46)        .

Andy: So do you go home together?

Wendy: No. My home is (47)         hers. And we don’t take the same (相同的) bus.

Andy: Take the bus? Doesn’t Jane go to school (48)        ?

Wendy: No, she doesn’t. She doesn’t want to (49)         school.

Andy: And you often chat with her (50)        , right?

Wendy: I chat with her often. But we only chat on Wechat or QQ. We girls often have a lot to share.

46. after school 47. far away from 48. on foot

49. be late for 50. on the phone

五. 请阅读短文,并根据短文内容完成后面的表格。每空一词。(每小题1分,共10分)

Our class are going to put on a play (话剧) Spiderman. Many boys want to be the Spiderman. But only one can play this role (角色). Now, we girls want to choose (选择) the right boy to be the Spiderman.

Jimmy says he is like the Spiderman because he is clever. But we don’t think so. The Spiderman is tall and strong. Jimmy is not tall at all. No one likes a short or small Spiderman.

Then Haitao says he can be the Spiderman because he is very tall. We say no again. Haitao wears glasses! What is a Spiderman with glasses like?

Tommy stands up and says he is the right boy. He is tall and he doesn’t wear glasses. Can he be the Spiderman? “No,” we all say, “you don’t do sports often and you don’t do well in jumping or running. A Spiderman must be good at them.”

Then who can be our Spiderman? “I think Mr Lee can be a good Spiderman,” says Lucy. We all turn our eyes to Mr Lee. Yes, he is the best Spiderman. He is tall. He doesn’t wear glasses. He is sporty. And he can speak English well.

(51)     can be the Spiderman?

(52)      are choosing the right boy to play the role of Spiderman.

Name Can he be a good Spiderman? (53)

Jimmy No Jimmy is too (54)    .

Haitao (55)     Haitao wears (56)    .

Tommy No Tommy (57)     does sports and isn’t (58)     at jumping or running.

Mr Lee (59)     He is tall and sporty. He doesn’t wear glasses. He speaks good (60)    .

六. 根据要求完成下列句子。每空一词。(每小题3分,共15分)



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