


C. Not big or beautiful. D. Not big but beautiful.

( )32. What is in the middle of the park?

A. A pool.

B. A playground.

C. The gate.

D. A classroom building.

( )33. Where are the two classroom buildings?

A. In the park.

B. Behind the school.

C. Around the park.

D. Near the library.

( )34. When can the students go to the library?

A. After class. B. In class. C. Before class. D. After school.

( )35. We can’t know anything about

from the reading.

A. the pool B. the hall

C. the small park D. the classroom building

31-35 DACAB

四. 填空(每小题1分,共15分)

A. 根据句意及所给的图片提示完成英语句子。

36题图 37题图 38题图 39题图 40题图

36. Every morning, the clock      Millie up at seven.

37. Look, those      are so big and modern!

38. It’s a      to six now. Let’s have supper.

39. My parents don’t like reading my     .

40. I can see a      in the picture.

36. wakes 37. buildings 38. quarter 39. diary 40. hill

B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

41. The policemen saved (拯救) three people’s    (life) on May 12, 2008.

42. I am always the    (one) student to get to school.

43. Our class go to watch films    (two) a year.

44. My sister and I enjoy    (practise) singing after dinner.

45. Here comes the bear (熊出没) is many children’s favourite, but I    (like) it.

41. lives 42. first 43. twice 44. practising 45. dislike

C. 阅读下面的对话,从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空。



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