


英语是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英语有联系,而且随着网络的使用,英文的使用更普及。威廉希尔app 小编为大家准备了这篇七年级Module3Myschool单元测试



1 The maps are ____ the wall ,but the windows are ____the wall .

A on ,on B in ,in C in ,on D on ,in

2 I can’t see ____ boys on the playground .

A some B any C an D a

3 Can you see any apples ____ the tree ?

A on B in C at D for

4 This is ____ bedroom .

A Lily and Lucy B Lily’s and Lucy

C Lily and Lucy’s D Lily’s and Lucy’s

5 - What is _____ and seven ? - It’s twenty .

A thirty B third C thirteen D three

6 Who sits next ____ you ?

A on B in C at D to

7 - Are there any science labs behind the offices ?

- Yes , _____ .

A they are B there are C they aren’t D there aren’t

8 ____ your shoes ?

A Where are B Where is C What are C What is

9 There is ___ office in ___ building .

A a,a B the ,an C an ,the D an ,a

10 In my classroom ,there are lots of ____

A library B libraries C dictionaries D labs

11 There ___ a computer and a television in the room .

A is B are C has D have

12 On her desk ____ some books and pens .

A there is B has C there are D have

13 Are there five ____ on the desk ?

A computer book B computer books C computers book D computers books

14 This is a _____ .

A teacher desk B teachers desk C teacher’s desk D teachers’ desk

15 There are some trees ____ the house .

A in front of B in front C in the front of D in the middle of



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