


作为学生一定要尽快掌握所学知识,迅速提高学习能力。接下来威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理了初一下册英语unit7测试题,希望能提高大家的成绩。


1)How’s the weather?   It’s……


How’s the weather in Beijing?  It’s cloudy.

2) What’s the weather like?It’s……

What’s the weather like in Beijing?  It’s cloudy.

3. cook   1)v. 做饭  2)n. 厨师

cooker  n. 厨具

4. How’s it going? 情况如何?

Not bad.不错。Great.太好了。Terrible.太糟了。 Pretty good.相当好 Just so so.马马虎虎

8. on vacation 在度假;在假期中

9. take a photo/take photos 拍照

12. lie  v.平卧;躺  (想在分词lying)

14. surprised   adj. “感到惊讶的”

1) be surprised at + n./ pron./v-ing  对……感到惊讶

We’re surprised at the news. 听到这个消息,我们非常诧异。

2) be surprised to do sth.

We’re surprised to hear the news. 听到这个消息,我们非常诧异。

3) be surprised + that从句

I’m surprised that he didn’t pass the exam我对他没通过考试感到很惊讶。

16. scarf 围巾(pl. scarfs或scarves)

17. have a good time = enjoy oneself(oneself要随主语的变化而变化) = have fun

They are having a good time. = They are enjoying themselves.= They are having fun.


18. everyone / every one

1) everyone“人人,每人”,仅指人,相当于everybody,一般不能与of连用,作主语为单数。

Everyone is here.大家(人人)都来了。

2) every one“每一个(人或物)”,指人或物,常与of连用,谓语用单数。

Every one of the book is interesting. 每本书都很有趣。


(   )1. --Where is Mr Smith?

--He is in Beijing. You can call him_____ 1384232813.

A. in       B. at   C, on    D. about

(   )2. --How' s it _________?  --Terrible.

A. go    B. to go   C. goes  D. going

(   )3. Thank you for _____ me the good news.

A. tell      B. tells   C. telling   D. to tell

(   )4. --_________ is the weather like_______ London?    --It's very warm.

A. What; about      B. What; in   C. How; about       D. How; in

(   )5.______everyone ______ basketball in your class ? .

A. Does; plays      B. Do; play  C. Do; plays     D. Does; play

(   )6. Here______ some interesting TV shows for you to watch.

A. is    B. are      C. has     D. have

(   ) 7. --Is your sister doing her homework now, Jack? --Yes,_____ _______

A. she is     B. she' s    C. she can          D. she does

(   ) 8. Does your brother enjoy _____?

A. talking people    B. talking to people

C. to talk people     D. talks to people

(   ) 9. If you are good with kids, please come and work____ us_____ a teacher.

A. to; for           B. for; to    C. for; as           D. as; for

(   )10. Look! They_____ beach volleyball on the beach.

A. playing          B. are playing   C. plays            D. play

(   ) 11. Look at the __ It' s __ heavily now.

A. rain; rain         B. raining; raining

C. rain; raining      D. raining; rain

(   ) 12. I can' t go to the park __ it' s snowing heavily.

A. and  B. because C. but     D. /

(   ) 13. --What does your sister do?


A. She' s a nurse   B. She's watching TV

C. She' s singing   D. She does some shopping

(    ) 14. --What are your parents doing? --__________

A. They are doctors          B. They like walking

C. TheY talk to each other     D. They are taking photos

(   ) 15.--Let's go to see animals in the zoo this Sunday.   -- ______, I like animals.

A. I am sorry  B. No, thanks   C. That sounds great D..You are welcome

(   ) 16. --How' s the ___ in Wuhan now?     --It' s very hot.

A. room  B. city    C. weather   D. place

(   )17. Many kids like Jay Chou because he looks very __

A. cool B. terrible C. boring  D. bad

(   )18. --_____ is it going in America? --Not bad. My English is much better now.

A. How B. What  C. Why   D. Where

(   )19. --What are you doing in your room?

--I am ______  . The soap opera is toofun.

A. playing computer game B. watching TV C. listening to music D. sleeping

(   )20. --Happy New Year.        --__________.

A. Thank you  B. Happy New Year   C. Not bad       D. It' s terrible

(   )21. --Where are you these years?    --I am studying ______ Australia.

A. at    B. in     C. with    D. from

(    )22. She likes to ______ sports clothes when she goes to work.

A. play  B. wear    C. buy    D. enjoy

(    )23. It' s very hot in Guangzhou, but it' s still very ______ in Harbin now.

A. hot  B. humid-  C. cold   D. warm

(    )24. I never(从末) hear him sing, but I am ___ to find that he sings so well.

A. interesting       B. surprised   C. sorry            D. scary

(     )25. Look at so many old people _______ on the square.

A. play sports  B. playing sports    C. to play sports     D. are playing


Hello!  My name is Lin Li and I'm from Beijing. There are four 1  in my family and they are my father, my mother, my brother and  2 . One interesting thing is that we have different dreams(不同的梦想).

My father is a manager(经理) in a supermarket. He works hard and he is 3  to others. So people like him very much. But he wants to  4  a supermarket of his own (自己的). Then he can make more  5 _ and buy a car.

My mother is  6  English  teacher. She teaches English very  7 . Her students like her very much.

My brother is a  8  of Tsinghua University (清华大学). He wants to be a reporter because he thinks he can meet interesting people every day and go to many interesting  9  .

I am a 14-year-old boy. I want to be a policeman   10  I think it' s interesting.

I have a happy family. I love my family.

(    ) . 1. A. people     B. photos    C. animals          D. cameras

(    ) 2. A.I     B. me      C. us      D. we

(    ) 3. A. bad             B. friendly   C. dangerous        D. boring

(    ) 4. A. have B. buy     C. join     D. be

(    ) 5. A. time       B. exercise        C. money          D. friends

(    ) 6. A. the    B.a     C. an      D./

(    ) 7. A. good   B. well   C. nice    D. fine

(    ) 8. A. reporter     B. worker      C. member         D. student

(    ) 9. A. places        B. parks      C. schools          D. rooms

(    )10. A. because         B. when     C. after            D. before



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