


为了帮大家提高学习成绩,威廉希尔app 初中频道在这里为大家整理了七年级英语下unit5单元测试卷,希望大家可以用心去看,去学习。


(    ) 1. A. award        B. hard         C. part        D. article

(    ) 2. A. send     B. below    C. believe     D. prepare

(    ) 3. A. came          B. danger      C. gave       D. ran

(    ) 4. A. needed         B. protected    C. shouted       D. saved

(    ) 5. A. long        B. box           C. not         D. alone


(    )1 Alice found the key         the door at last.

A. of  B. with  C. in    D. to

(    )2. What______ important news! What_____ good time we are having!

A.a; a           B.a; /              C./; a             D./; /

(    )3. ---Sir, could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free school. ---_________.

A. I’m sorry about this.  B. No problem.   C. Sure, I’d love to.   D. Never mind.

(    )4. He ___________ the school because he forgot to take the textbooks home.

A. rushed back to  B. rushed past     C. rushed into  D. rushed

(    )5. He often _________funny stories and always ________ us _________.

A. tells; makes; laugh       B. speaks; makes; laugh

C. says; makes; laughing    D. tells; makes; to laugh

(    )6. _______ children in poor areas______ is very noble(高尚的) and important.

A. Helping, out B. To help, with    C. Helping, with      D. To helping, out

(    )7. “_______!”the little boy shouted when he fell into the deep well(井).

A. Come on      B. Help       C. Save    D. SOS

(    )8. We hope ______ an old people’s home tomorrow.

A. visit          B. visits          C. to visit           D. will visit

(    )9. _________heavy rain it is! Let’s stay at home.

A. How    B. What    C. How a  D. What a

(    )10 I don't like John because he talks_______.

A. too many     B. many too     C. much too     D. too much

(    )11. It’s hard for Daniel and ________ to work without a car.

A. I to go      B. me to go  C. I going  D. me going

(    )12. The house was ________ fire last night. People put ________ the fire.

A. at; down  B. in; out      C. on; out      D. on; down

(    )13. Fire can be very dangerous. So we must be careful _______ it.

A. on                 B. to                  C. with        D. for

(    )14. Wine catches fire easily. So _______ fire.

A. keep it away from         B. don't keep it away from

C. keep it away             D. don't keep it away

(    )15. She is looking after a_______.

A. five-month-old baby    B. five month old baby

C. five-months-old baby    D. five-years-old baby


Li Xue is 14 years old,and she studies at Grade 7  1  a small town far away from Guangzhou.She is a left-behind child(留守儿童).Ten years ago his parents  2  to Guangzhou for work.Now she  3  with her grandmother.Her grandmother is so  4  that she can’t do anything.So Li Xue has to do  5  herself,such as learning to cook,doing some washing and  6  care of her grandmother who is nearly 70 years old.

Li Xue is quite  7  and good at her lessons..Her parents send her some money and she uses most of the money  8  food.Li Xue misses them very much.She wants to live with her parents,  9  she knows that her parents make money for their better  10  .She hopes to get a good job,so she can take good care of her grandmother and her parents when she grows up.



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