


大家一定要在平时的练习中不断积累,威廉希尔app 初中频道小编为大家准备了七年级英语第五单元测试题,希望同学们不断取得进步!





16.Look! There is ________UFO in the sky.

A. a           B. an          C. the         D./

17.  My sister is fond of __________ music.

A. listening     B. listen       C. to listen      D. listening to

18. How did the girl _________ the fire and helped Mr. Sun out?

A. put on       B. put off      C. put out       D. put up

19.   --Can you post these postcards for me on your way home?


A. Fine  B. No problem   C. It’s all right   D.I hope

20.  Lucy , a        girl , helped the little boy find his parents.

A. twelve year  old     B.  twelve years  old

C. twelve-year-old      D.  twelve-years-old

21.            interesting film it is!

A. What a     B. What an       C. How      D. How a

22. Lily ________ a bad cold yesterday. Now she is ill _______ hospital.

A. catches, in the      B. gets, in the      C. caught, in     D. catches, in

23.Li Lei       to save the little girl when he saw her fall into the river.

A. rushed   B. walked   C. went   D. moved

24. --How clever you are!   --             .

A. I don’t think so.           B. Thank you.

C. No, no, I’m not clever.     D. Never mind.

25. Su Ning likes playing_________ and she also plays __________ very well.

A. the basketball; the piano       B. basketball; piano

C. basketball; the piano          D. the basketball; piano

26. It takes 2 days ____ from our hometown to Beijing ____ train.

A. to travel, by                   B. traveling, on

C. travel, on                     D. traveling, by

27. Please don’t put ________ into the rubbish bin because it’s very dangerous.

A: something  hot     B: hot something     C: anything hot    D: hot anything

28. --________you afraid of staying at home alone last night?

--Yes, I _________a little afraid.

A. Are, am   B. Were,were   C. Were, was   D. Did, was

29.Last year, I ___________ride a bike, but now I________. I go to school by bike now.

A. couldn’t, can   B. could,can’t   C. couldn’t, could  D. couldn’t, can’t

30. .Daniel is helpful, and he always________.

A. thinks of himself first    B. thinks of others first

C. thinks himself first     D. thinks others first



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