七年级下册英语Unit 5测试题206学年



练习是学习各门课的关键。我们要对它格外重视。因此精品小编为大家整理了这篇七年级下册英语Unit 5测试题,以供大家参考。


(  )1. Our teachers are very friendly _______ us.

A. for      B. to      C. with            D. and

(  )2. Elephants are very friendly and they like _______ grass.

A. eat      B. to eating    C. to eat           D. eats

(  )3. It’s time for class,please _______ quiet.

A. is      B. be     C. are             D. /

(  )4. —________ does the girl _________?     —Australia.

A. Where, be from                   B. Why, come from

C. Where, come from                 D. When, be from

(  )5. —What’s your English teacher __________?   —He’s funny, I _______ him.

A. like, love       B. look, like       C. likes, like       D. like, likes

(  )6. Is this _______ elephant or _______ lion?

A. an; a      B. a; an     C. an; an          D. a; a

(  )7. The girl is new. So she _______ shy.

A. look like     B. looks     C. look            D. like

(  )8. I like to play _______ piano. I don’t like to play _______ football.

A. the; /      B. /; the     C. the; the          D. / ; /

(  )9. Look at the baby elephant. He is ________ big.

A. some           B. many           C. kind of         D. kind

(  )10. His brother likes to _______ cats, but I like to _____ football.

A. play, play            B. play, play with

C. play with, play           D. plays with, plays with

(  )11. What      _____ things would you like ?

A. else            B. other           C. others           D. the others

(  )12. He often gets up _______ nine o’clock _______ Sunday morning.

A. at; o n      B. at; in       C. about; on        D. about; in

(  )13. I like my teacher because he can talk ______ us ______ our friend.

A.  to , like         B . with , likes        C. to, likes         D. ta lks; with

(  )14. My little cat sleeps ________ the day , but ________night he begins to work.

A. at , at           B. on, in            C. on, at           D. during, at

(  )15. Pandas are very _____ and ______. We all like them.

A. friendly, ugly     B. cute, scary        C. dangerous, beautiful  D. shy, smart

(   )16.The koala sleeps______ the day, but _____ night he gets up and eats leaves.

A. at; at           B. in; in         C. during; at         D. at; during

(   )17. ---_____ do you like giraffes?---Because they’re very interesting.

A. What           B. How          C. Why             D. Where

(   )18. ---Let’s meet outside the zoo gate.--- _________.

A. OK.        B. That’s right.      C. Not at all        D. It’s all right.

(   )19. Elephants are ______. They can help people.

A. friend       B. friendly         C. friends          D. not friendly

(   )20. ---What’s your favorite animal?---I like dogs. They are ________ friendly.

A. not          B. kind          C. some            D. very



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