七年级英语下册Unit 5单元测试题2016学年



鉴于学习知识的重要性,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了七年级英语下册Unit 5单元测试题,欢迎阅读与选择,希望对同学们的知识有所帮助。


21. We were in Qingdao last week and       great fun there.

A. will have   B. have had   C. had   D. have

22.        you afraid of       late for school?

A. Are; be   B. Do; be   C. Are; being   D. Do; being

23. We       carefully, but we didn’t       anything.

A. listened; heard        B. listened; hear

C. listen; heard       D. listen; hear

24.—Is Jim at home by        ?

—No. His little sister is with       .

A. him; him   B. him; himself  C. himself; himself D. himself; him

25. There       only one foreign teacher in our school in 2005,and now six.

A. is    B. was    C. are      D. were

26. Do you like sleeping with the windows       ?

A. open    B. be opened   C. opening    D. opens

27. If you see any litter (垃圾) on the school playground, you’d better        .

A. put it up   B. pick it up   C. turn if off  D. put it on

28 .         to school, they met their Chinese teacher.

A. On their ways  B. On them ways  C. On their way D. On them way

29. I am       afraid of animals       .

A. no; any more  B. not; more   C. not; any more D. no; more

30. He often       up at 5:30,but he       up at 6:00 yesterday.

A. gets; got   B. gets; gets   C. got; gets  D. got; got

31. Th e teacher told her       late, but she       late this morning.

A. isn’t; is   B. not to be; is  C. wasn’t; was D. not to be; was

32. Gina and I went to school by bus       this morning.

A. usually   B. as usual   C. as usually  D. as unusually

33. —Did you see Tom in the classroom?

—No, he       there five minutes ago.

A. left   B. was leaving   C. leaves   D. has left

34. —Who       to visit our school last Wednesday?

—Mr Smith did.

A. did come  B. came    C. come   D. comes

35. The black cat often        a ghost at night.

A. makes a sound like B. makes a sound likes

C. made sound like     D. make sound like


One day, Mr and Mrs Black  36  shopping. Mrs Black bought lots of things  37  that shop. First, she bought a dress and gave it  38  Mr Black, because she wanted Mr Black  39  it. Then she bought a lot of things, and Mr Black carried all of them. He had  40   boxes. His hands  41  full and he couldn’t  42  their car, so he asked Mr s Black to show him the key to their car. Mrs Black stopped  43  a small red car. But the key couldn’t turn (转).The  44  was broken (坏了的). Mr Black was very angry (生气的).They had to w alk home, because they  45  another key.

36. A. go   B. goes     C. did go       D. went

37. A. for   B. at   C. to       D. with

38. A. for   B. at   C. to       D. with

39. A. carried  B. to carry    C. carrying      D. carries

40.A. a lot      B. many  C. lots       D. lot

41.A. are   B. is   C. were       D. was

42.A. see   B. look     C. look at      D. see at

43.A. in the front    B. in front of    C. in the front of     D. on front of

44.A. car   B. key     C. box       D. shop

45.A. don’t have    B. had     C. didn’t have   D. aren’t have



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