


接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的初一期中英语考试卷,请大家一定仔细阅读,会对大家的学习生活带来很大的帮助。

一、 单项选择(每题一分共20分)

1. The boy is crying. He is ________.

A. lost   B. lose   C. losing   D. miss

2.--- Jane, is this your umbrella?

--- No, it isn’t ______. I didn’t take one this morning.

A. me   B. my   C.  mine  D  our

3. Suan isn’t a careful girl. She often ______ her homework at home.

A. forget    B. forgets    C. leaves    D. leave

4. ---  Do you often play _______ piano?

--- Yes. I want to be _______ musician like Lang Lang.

A. the, a     B. a,  the    C. the, an    D.  a, an

5. Edward, you have grown up. You should learn to make your own room ________.

A. empty    B. noisy    C. dirty     D.  tidy

6. Our teacher was very happy because ________ failed the exam.

A.  somebody  B.  nobody    C. anybody      D. everybody

7. The old man is very kind and everyone would like _______ him.

A. to make a friend with   B. making a friend with

C. to make friends with    D. making frie nds with

8. Daming always _______ a beautiful T-shirt. He looks cool in it.

A. wears    B. dresses    C. puts on   D. takes off

9. ---It is _______ iphone6? It’s so cool.

---No, it isn’t. It is__________.

A. Tina; his     B. Tina’s;  him    C. Tina; h im   D. Tina’s; his

10. Can you imagine(想象) what life will be like in ________ time?

A. 50 years’   B. 50 year’s   C. 50-years’   D. 50-yea rs

11. We ______ some robots at home in the future, and there _____ some in the office too.

A. will have; will have B. have; will be  C. will have; will be D. will have; are

12.Are there _______ things in the picture?What ______ can you see?

A.other, other    B. other, else  C. else, else  D. else, other

13.The Greens_______  to Beijing next Monday.

A.are going    B.are going to go  C.will going  D.is going to go

14.Not only Helen but also her brothers_______ playing football..

A.is    B.am     C.are    D.will be

15.---Will there be students in school in 100 years?


A. Yes, it will   B. No, there won’t   C. No, there will  D. Yes, there won’t

16.It _____ us a long time to learn English well.

A. takes   B. take     C. spends     D. will spend

17.The train _______ at 11.

A. going to arrive  B. will be arrive  C. is going to  D. is arriving

18.I’m going to _____ to Shanghai next month.

A.  by plane   B. take plane  C. take a plane  D. by air

19.The goverment is building _____ cheap and good houses for the people.

A. thousand  B. thousand of   C.two thousands    D.thousands of

20.Dashan is ________ at Chinese. He can speak Chinese very ______.

A. good, good    B.good, well    C. well, good    D.well, well



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