学生必须加油,同时也要静下心来做好下学期的规划。下文是威廉希尔app 初中频道为您准备七年级英语下册第四单元测试题。
( )26.I usually go to school _______ bike, but sometimes _______ foot.
A.with;on B.on;with C.by;by D.by;on
( )27.— _______ does your father go to work every day?
— He takes the subway.
A.When B.Where C.How D.Why
( )28.— _______ is it from your city to Guangzhou?
— About 260 kilometers.
A.How often B.How long C.How many D.How far
( )29.— How long does it take to get to the library?
— _______.
A.You’re welcome B.Thanks a lot
C.Half an hour by bus D.About two miles
( )30.It usually takes us twenty minutes _______ to the supermarket.
A.walk B.walks C.to walk D.walking
( )31.There’s not much time, so he goes to school after a _______ breakfast.
A.quick B.quickly C.fast D.slow
( )32.She _______ a bicycle to the market every day.
A.takes B.rides C.by D.on
( )33.— When will they _______ the bus stop?
— In half an hour.
A.get B.arrive in C.get to D.come
( )34.— Can you wear a T-shirt on school days?
— No,I can’t. I have to wear _______ uniform at school.
A.a B.an C.this D.that
( )35.— _______ late for class again,Tom.
— Sorry, I won’t.
A.Don’t B.Don’t be C.Can’t D.Doesn’t
( )36.Don’t let students go out _______ school nights.
A.of B.in C.at D.on
( )37.The teacher tells us _______ the rules next time.
A.not to break B.don?t break C.not break D.to not break
( )38.— Don’t _______ here. Can’t you see the sign?
— Sign? What sign?
— No _______.
A.swim;to swim B.swim;swim
C.swimming;swim D.swim;swimming
( )39.— Do you want _______?
— Thank you. That’s enough.
A.anything else B.other anything C.else anything D.anything other
( )40.He _______ go out because he has to help his mother _______ dinner.
A.can’t;make B.can’t;making C.don’t;to make D.doesn’t;made
( )41.Please _______ look outside. Look at the blackboard.
A.don’t B.not C.can’t D.no
( )42. — Is John a good student at school?
— Yes. He’s never late for class and he never fights with _______.
A.everyone B.no one C.someone D.anyone
( )43.— Why do you feel unhappy?
— Oh, I can’t watch TV tonight because I have _______ homework to do.
A.too much B.too many C.much too D.many
( )44. — Do I have to _______ it in English?
— No, you can _______ Chinese.
A.talk;speak B.say;tell C.tell;talk D.say;speak
( )45.This light music makes me _______.
A.relax B.relaxed C.relaxing D.to relax
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