1. Mrs. Brown works in a school.
2. My sister is a sales assistant
3. Rose can cook very well.
4. My mother's job is to help doctors. She works in a hospital
5. My brother is a football coach
6. A: Who’s that man over there? B:He is my uncle. He is a bank clerk.
Question: Where does that man work?
7. A: Do you like your job ? B: Not at all. It isn’t interesting .
Question: What does the man think of his job?
8. Do you want to be a teacher, Tim? B: No, I don’t. I want to be a policeman. What about you, Gina?
A: I want to be a nurse. Question: What does Gina want to be ?
9. A: Do you count money every day ? B: No, I don’t. I talk to people and write stories every day.
Question: Is the woman a reporter or a bank clerk ?
10. A: Is that man the famous teacher ? B: Yes, he is . He teaches us English.
Question: What does the famous teacher teach?
11. I’m Bob. I’m a middle school student. My father is a reporter and my mother is a teacher.I have a sister,she is a student. These are my friends Tom and Mary. Tom’s father is a doctor. His mother is a driver. His aunt is a reporter, too. Mary’s father is a policeman. Her mother and grandpa are both doctors. Mary’s aunt is an actor. Tom, Mary and I are good friends.
1-5 CBACB 6-10 BCCAB 11-20 Bob--- AE J Tom---- BDG Mary---- CFHI
21-25 teacher student cook doct or poleceman
26-30 assistant officers to be magazine actors
41 Where does work 42 Does like 43. don’t speak 44. What does
45. Can you work for a newspaper? 46. What 47. bank clerk 48. Where
49. What do you want to be? 50. a reporter.
61-65 CCBAC 66-70 FFFTT
71-75 teacher driver farmer doc tor friends
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