四、补全对话(Complete the dialogue)(计5分)
五、完型填空(Cloze test)(计10分)
I work in a small shop. It's near an English 51 . Every day, students come to 52 things.
In the morning, I get up 53 six and then have breakfast. I go to 54 by bike. I 55 to the shop at about six forty. The shop 56 at seven. We sell things 57 food and drink. We have school things, too. So there 58 often many people in our shop 59 morning to evening.
I have 60 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed.
( )51、A.farm B.factory C.school D.river
( )52、A.buy B.sell C.take D.want
( )53、A.on B.in C.at D.from
( )54、A.school B.bed C.class D.work
( )55、A.go B.get C.stay D.look
( )56、A.opens B.open C.is opening D.is opened
( )57、A.with B.like C.for D.about
( )58、A.are B.have C.see D.come
( )59、A.in B.on C.at D.from
( )60、A.supper B.breakfast C.tea D.lunch
( )61.Mr Smith works in ______ ___.
A. a hospital B. a police station C. a school D. a restaurant
( )62.Mr Smith is good at __________.
A. Chinese B. Japanese C. Spanish D. French
( )63.He learns Chinese __________ .
A. very well B. not very well C. we don’t know D. very good
( )64.Where does he learn Chinese? _________.
A. In an evening school . B.At home. C. In his friend’s home. D. In a park.
( )65.Does he study very hard ? _________.
A. Yes, he doesn’t. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he does. D. No, he don’t.
( )66.My family has four people, my father, my mother, my sister and I.
( )67.My father works in another city, so we can’t see him all day, sometimes.
( )68.My mother likes to be a bank clerk.
( )69.My brother works in a restaurant. He likes to make new friends.
( )70.I wan t to be a teacher. It’s easy for me ,I think.
Now please tell me what they do ?
71.Cook is a ________ __. 72. Smith is a ________ _.
73.Carter is a _______ _ . 74.Miller is a ________ _.
75.Cook, Smith, Carter and Miller are __________________.
四、 写作(Writing)8分+书写(Handwriting)2分。
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