


接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的七下英语第四单元模拟测试题,请大家一定仔细阅读,会对大家的学习生活带来很大的帮助。



一、 词汇(Vocabulary)满分为10分。


21.          22.            23.            24.            25.


26.A shop __________(助手) sells things in a shop.

27.These young men are all police ___________(警官).

28.My little brother wants ____________(成为) a doctor when he grows up.

29. There is a _______________(杂志)on the desk.

30.I know some famous____  ______(演员).

二、 单项选择(Choose the best answer for the following sentences)10分

(    )31.That’s ______ interesting work.

A. a      B. an      C. the      D. /

(    )32.--__________ – I’m a reporter.

A. What do you do?  B.Who are you?  C. What are you?  D. Both A and C.

(    )33. ______  does your father work?  --- In a hospital.

A.What    B.How    C.Where    D.Which

(    )34.It’s_______ to climb the tall tree, be careful.

A.danger    B.dangerous    C.busy    D.difficult

(    )35. The woman can speak _______ Chinese.

A. a little    B. a few    C. lot of   D. many

(    )3 6.There are three _______ in the office.

A. policeman     B. policemen      C. polices    D. p olicewoman

(    )37. I like to_______ with my fri ends.

A. speak         B. say            C. tell       D. talk

(    )38. He wants to be an actor________it’s an exciting job.

A. and    B. so    C. because    D. why

(    )39.Our school is ________children _______6-12.

A. in, for    B. for, in      C. of, for     D. for, of

(    )40. Does Mr. White __________ in Beijing?

A. likes working   B. likes work   C. like working   D. like work

三、 句型转换(Rewrite the sentences in another way)(计10分)

41.My mother works in a restaurant.(划线部分提问)  ______ _______ your mother ________?

42.Mary likes singing. (改为一般疑问句)       _______ Mar y _______ singing?

43.Jim’s parents speak English and Chinese.(改为否定句)  Jim’s parents                 English and Chinese.

44. What’s her job?(改为同义句)                                                   ?

45.work , for , can , you , a ,newspaper. ? (组词成句)                                      ?



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