丰富的学习生活对自己的帮助非常大,接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的七年级下册英语第二单元测试题,希望会对大家的学习带来帮助!
1. Does he______________a bus ____?
A.take ;home B.taking; home C.take;to home D.taking;to home
2.____ you play chess well ?
A. Do B.Is C.Does D. Are
3. There are lots of _________ to do every day .
A. things B. homework C. news D. maths
4. Do you often tell_________ about your everyday life?
A. his B he C. her D.they
5. She wants _________ an orange.
A to eat B. eating C. eat D. eats
6.1 often take a bus to school, but _________ I go to school by bike.
A. some time B. sometime C. some ttimes D. sometimes
7. We always _________ after school.
A. go to school B. go home C. to go home D. to go to school
8. _________ Mike _________ his homework in the evening
A. Do; do B. Do; does C .Does ;do D.Does ;/
9. Dick never eats vegetables, so this is not a _________ life.
A. happy B. healthy C.interesting D. sad
10. We _________ home at 6:00 pm every day.
A. go B. go C. goes D. goes to
11. Xiaodong goes to school by bike (骑自行车). She walks to school.
A. always B. often C. sometimes D. never
12.I____at ten o'clock in the evening.
A. have breakfast B. get up C. go to bed D. watch morning TV
13. I go home ____________5:30 _________the afternoon.
A.at;on B.at;in C.at ;at D.in;/
14.It's ten o'clock.I must go _________
A.to home B. home C. my home D. his home
15. He _________his homework on Sundays.
A doesn,t B. don't do " C. doesn't do D. don't
Nancy is reading an e-mail from he rfriend Jack. Sheis very 16 to get the e-mail. Jack writes about his school 17 his weekends. Jack likes his school very much. Nancy likes her school, 18 . Jack’s school is very big and he likes his classroom. The 19 and chairs are new. There are lots of pictures 20 the wall. They clean the classroom every day.
Jack doesn’t 21 to school at the weekend. He gets up 22 at six on Saturday .He exercises in the park for half 23 . Then he eats his breakfast. He helps his mother do the 24 . At eight he begins to do his homework. He has lunch in a fast food restaurant(快餐店 ). In the 25, he goes shopping with his mum. Sometimes he plays computer games or chats with his friends on the Internet. He enjoys his weekend very much.
16. A. tall B. well C. happy D. good
17. A. but B. and C. or D. at
18. A. also B. again C.too D. either
19. A. desks B. schoolbags C. pencils D. boys
20. A. at B. on C. near D. behind
21. A.like B. play C. go D. Have
22. A. early B.late C. before D. here
23. A. a year B. a month C. an hour D week
24. A. homework B. cleaning C. fishing D. lessons
25. A. day B. evening C. afternoon D. week
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