



Join,  play , sing , help , be

Judy likes ____________, so she wants ___________________ the music club. Now she _________good with the other students in the music club. But she isn’t good at __________ basketball. Tom says he can ___________ her.


1. She can drive the car. (变一般疑问句并做否定回答)_____ she _____ the car?  No, she ______ .

2.He wants to join the art club. (划线部分提问)  _________ ________ _________ he want to join?

3.Lucy’s brother can sing and dance. (划线部分提问) ________ _________ Lucy’s brother  _____ ?

4.He often helps Gina with her math. (同义句)     He often________ Gina ________ math.


1.你想参加什么样的俱乐部?______ _______ do you want _______ ________?

2.他想加入艺术俱乐部因为他会拉小提琴. xK b1. C om

He wants _______ _______ the art club because he ________ ________ _______ violin.

3.琳达经常帮妈妈做家务. Linda often _______her mother _______ housework .

4. 你会下棋吗?不会,但是我爸爸会.

Can you ________ _________? No, I ________, but my father __________.

5.如果你喜欢,你可以加入我们的校艺术节.If you like, You can _____ _____ our school festival.


It was the last day of the winter vacation. Li Xin went to bed early in the evening. He wanted to go to school early the next morning because he couldn’t wait to see his teachers and classmates. The next morning, Li Xin got up at 6:00.He looked “Wow, how beautiful !” said Li Xin.There were many trees in front of his house.They were really beautiful with the white snow. He went out of his house and was going to school.

How did Li Xin go to school? There was much snow on the street. He decided to walk to school. Twenty minutes later,Li Xin got to school. Some teachers and students were cleaning the snow outside the classrooms Li Xin did it,too.He was tired ,but he felt happy on the first day back to school.

1.判断正误 Li Xin went to bed early on the evening of the first school day.(    )

2. 补全句子Li Xin wanted to go to school early because_______________________________

3What were in front of  Li Xin ‘s  house.?(回答问题)


4.How did Li Xin go to school? (回答问题) _______________________________




Name   Wang  Qiang

Age   12

School   No.5 Middle School

Likes   Piano,  computer,  volley   English

Can   Play the violin, paint ,sing English songs, be good with kids



2016七年级英语下册Unit 1单元测试题 

初一年级英语下学期试卷Unit 1 Can you play the guitar  



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