


7.You are a football fan. You may watch TV at___________.

A.19:00 on Channel 2       B.19:40Channel 1       C.20:20Channel 2   D.21:15Channel

8.How long does the TV play“sisters”last(持续)?

A.30 minutes       B.50 minutes       C.90 minutes        D.120 minutes

9.You can watch _______if you want to learn English.

A.English news        B.English classroom       C.English for today   D.A、B and C

10.Children often like to watch_________.

A.Cartoon network        B.News        C.Weather report          D.Sports


Two men are walking in the park. One is Mr Brown , a worker, the other is Mr Black. Mr Brown is going to a chair. It is beside the road. Mr Black is after him. Mr Brown finds Mr Black. Now Mr Black begins to walk faster(更快). Because he wants to get to the chair before Mr Black. Now Mr Black begins to walk faster because he also wants to get to the chair first. Then they both run .Mr Black runs faster than (比) Mr Brown. So he gets to the chair forst and sits down on it. Mr Brown runs after Mr Black. When he gets to the chair. He sees Mr Black sitting on it. He is sorry to show a notice(通知)with the words“Wet Paint(油漆未干)”to Mr Black . Now Mr Black knows why Mr Brown is going to the chair.

11. Where are Mr Brown and Mr Black?

A.In the garden         B. On the chair         C. In the park        D.Beside the road

12.What are they doing? They are________

A. talking      B.walking to the chair      C.holding a notice   D.sitting on a chair

13._________is after_________at first

A.Mr Black ,Mr Brown  B.The worker, Mr Brown  C.Mr Brown ,Mr Black  D.Mr Brown The worker

14.________get to chair first.

A.The worker           B.Mr Brown          C.Mr Black        D.A strange(陌生人)

15.Mr Brown goes to the chair because__________.

A.he wants to sit there                             B.it is his chair

C.he wants to talk to Mr Black on the chair            D.he wants to tell people ”Wet Paint”


A 从方框内选词完成短文

call  in  musician   or  play

Musicians Wanted for School Musical Festival

Are you a _________? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you _____ the piano, the trumpet, the drums _____the guitar? Then maybe you can be ____ our school concert. Please _____ Zhang Heng at 622-6033.



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