Ⅰ. 单项选择 (15分)
( )1. We can’t get _______ the train because it isn’t ready.
A. in B. up C. on D. to
( )2. --Chinese Voice is the most popular programme, I think.
-- That’s true. But not _________ likes it, I’m afraid.
A. everyone B. no one C. someone D. anyone
( )3. Would you like to show _______ the new car?
A. we B. us to C. to us D. us
( )4. ______ they _______ a good time yesterday?
A. Do, have B. Do, had C. Did, have D. Did, had
( )5. —How do you get to school every day?
A. At taxi B. In taxi C. On taxi D. By taxi
( )6. —Can I join you?
A. No, you aren’t. B. Yes, you can’t.
C. Of course! D. You’re welcome.
( )7. M aybe this little girl will be _______ when she sees the tigers.
A. scared B. hungry C. thirsty D. tired
( )8. There are _______ of people in the square.
A. a hundred B. two hundreds C. hundreds D. many hundred
( )9. It’s time for class. The students run _______ into the classroom.
A. slowly B. happily C. quickly D. quietly
( )10. Would you like ________ fruit?
A. any B. some C. something D. anything
( ) 11. Liu Ying is _______ her lost pencil, but she can’t _______ it now.
A. finding; look for B. looking for; find C. looking; find D. finding; look
( ) 12. Zhang Ling enjoys_______the radio, but her brother doesn’t.
A. to listen B. to listen to
C. listening D. listening to
( ) 13. Jenny_______a new computer. She can use her old one.
A. doesn’t need buy B. needn’t to buy
C. doesn’t need to buy D. needn’t buying
( ) 14. —May I have a sandwich? —________.
A. No, thanks B. You, please C. Sure D. You can’t
( )15. — Don’t look out of the window in class, Li Ming!
A. Sorry, I won’t. B. No, thanks. C. You’re welcome. D. Yes, I do.
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