


大家把理论知识学习好的同时,也应该要复习,从复习中找到自己的不足,下面是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理的初一年级英语上册期末复习卷,希望对大家有帮助。

第Ⅰ卷 选择题(50分)


二、单项选择(共15小题, 每小题1 分, 满分15分)

16.That is   ▲  football . I like playing  ▲  football very much.

A. a; the       B. a; /         C. a; a          D. /; /

17.The students are  ▲  at volleyball . They all play volleyball  ▲  .

A. good; good     B. good; well         C. well ; good      D. well ; well

18.—Could I have  ▲  stamps?

—Sorry, I don’t have  ▲  .

A. some; any  B. any; any   C. some;  some   D. any; some

19.—Mr. Wu hopes  ▲  will have the drawing lessons tomorrow.

— Oh, dear. I wanted  ▲  to help me do the cleaning.

A. Amy and me; she and her             B. Amy and I; you and she

C. Amy and me; her and you           D. Amy and I; you and her

20.—Eddie is hungry all the time.   ▲   does he walk to his bowl ?

— Many times a day.

A. How many times    B. How often      C. How long       D.How soon

21.—Do you use QQ to chat?

—Yes. We often have a chat  ▲  the NBA games  ▲  my friends.

A. about; at           B. for; with  C. about; with      D. for; at

22.  ▲   Sunday morning, Li Hua goes to visit the museum  ▲  a big garden in front.

A. On; with        B. On; has         C. In; has           D. In; with

23.—What about   ▲   to Ho Family Garden(何园) for a trip?

—Good idea ,let’s have   ▲   great fun!

A. go,a              B. going  , 不填   C. going, a         D. to go,不填

24. Jim with his parents   ▲   TV every night.

A. enjoys watching     B. enjoy watching  C. enjoy to watch      D. enjoys to watch

25. There is a car    ▲   our house, and the driver is sitting   ▲    it.

A. in f ront of, in the front of              B. in the front of, in front of

C. in front of, in front of                 D. in the front of, in the front of

26. Which pronunciation (发音) in the following is NOT the same(相同的) as the other three?

A. make     B. table    C. map    D. lake

27. Miss Ga o teaches   ▲   English. We like   ▲   very much.

A. our; she           B. us; her            C. we; her            D. our; her

28. Daniel goes to school by bus, but he walk s   ▲   after school.

A. to home   B. his home     C. to his home      D. the homew

29. She often helps her father   ▲   the house on Sunday.

A.cleans     B.cleaning     C.clean       D.to cleaning

30.—I’ll go for a picnic tomorro w with my parents.

—     ▲     .

A. Good luck         B. That’s all right  C. Have a good time   D. That’s right



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