


多练习,可以使学生增长知识,使学生在学习中做到举一反三。在此威廉希尔app 初中频道为您提供初一英语上册期末模拟试题,希望给您学习带来帮助,使您学习更上一层楼!

第一部分  听力 (略)

第二部分  基础知识  30分

I.单项选择  20分

21. — Welcome to China!

— _________ .

A. Thank you.      B. Hello!         C. Welcome.        D. How do you do?

22. — How _____  you , Miss Gao?

— I ______ fine, thanks.

A. are ; am         B. is ; am        C. am ; are          D. am ; is

23. — Goodbye, Miss Zhao.

—________ .

A. Thanks.         B. Thank you.     C. Bye.            D. How are you?

24. — Is Bill from Cuba ?

—______ . He is from Canada.

A. /               B. No.           C. Yes, he isn’t.     D. Yes, he is.

25. — What’s ______ telephone number?

— ______ telephone number is 6872-3651.

A. you ; My        B. your ; My      C. his ; Her        D. her ; His

26. — ______ are from England.

A. Your            B. That          C. They           D. Me

27. — These are _____ and ______ .

A. desk ; box       B. desk ; boxes    C. desks ; boxes     D. desks ; box

28. —What class is Wei Li in?

—She is in ______ .

A. Grade Seven , class three           B. Grade Seven , Class three

C. grade seven , class three            D. Class Three , Grade Seven

29. —What are ______ over there(那边)?

—______ are buses.

A. these ; Those                     B. these ; They

C. those ; These                     D. those ; They

30. —What’s this _____ English?

—It’s _____ orange.

A. in ; an         B. from ; an        C. in; the         D. in ; a



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