



第一部分 语言知识运用(共计45分)

I. Multiple choice(本题共15分,每小题1分)

Choose the best answer from A、B 、C or D according to the meaning of the sentence.

(   )1. The pig has four ______.

A. foot           B. feets         C. feet            D.foots

(   )2. Let’s ______ now.

A. to go to home    B. go home      C. to go home      D. go to home

(   )3. Helen can play______ volleyball, but he can’t play ______ violin.

A. /; the           B. an; the        C. the; /          D.a; the

(   )4. He is old, ______ he is strong.

A. and            B. for           C. but            D.of

(   )5.  His baseball is ______ the floor.

A. in             B. at            C. under          D. on

(   )6.A dictionary is in the library. Is it ______ ?

A. you           B. her           C. yours          D. your

(   )7. Call Henry ______ 485-5689.

A.at             B. in            C. for            D.  /

(   )8. Our cat has a big family. She has six _______.

A.parents           B.  students      C.grandparents      D.children

(   )9. These are my ________

A.parent         B. mother        C.  father        D. parents

(   )10. —  _______ your name, please? —My name is______ .

A. What’s, Green Jim                      B. Who’s, Jim Green

C. What’s, Jim Green                   D. Who’s, Green Jim

(   )11. December is the ______month of the year.

A. twelfth          B.tenth           C.twelveth         D.twelve

(   )12. ______ is your math teacher? –Mr. Li.

A. What           B. Who’s          C. Who           D. Where

(   )13. Edison’s birthday is ______ Feb.11th, 1847.

A. on             B. at              C. in              D. for

(   )14. –How much _______ these pants?--_______ten dollars.

A. is; It’s          B. are; They        C. is; They’re      D. are; They’re

(   )15. There are some _______on the floor.

A. child           B. sock            C. desks          D. waters



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