





第一部分 听力(共25分)

第一节   听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片。(5分)

A.           B.             C.             D.             E.

1.          2.          3.         4.         5.

第二节  听句子,选择正确的答语。(5分)

(   )6.A. He is my friend.    B. He is a student.     C. He has big eyes.

(   )7.A. I live in Shandong. B. I am ten years old.  C. I am English.

(   )8.A. No, he isn't.       B. Yes, she does.       C. Yes, she is.

(   )9.A. I am Alan.          B. I'm fine, thank you. C. How do you do?

(   )10.A. He's in Changchun.      B. He's from Guilin.

C. They're from Wuhan.

第三节  听以下五段对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)

(   )11.Who's  Mike?

A .The man's pen pal.            B. Jane's pen pal.

C. The man and Jane's friend.

(   )12.What color is the boy's hair?

A. Black.   B. Yellow.   C. Red.

(   )13.This is a photo of the boy's ______?

A. friends   B. classmates   C. family

(   )14.What would the man like to eat?

A.Chicken and rice.   B. Fish and bread.  C. Bread and chicken.

(   )15.What does the woman want?

A.Meat.        B. Apples.      C. Vegetables.

第四节  听短文,选择最佳答案。(10分)

(  )16.This is a ____ of Frank's family?

A. pen    B. photo   C. jacket

(  )17.Eric Green is Frank's______.

A. father      B. brother     C. son

(  )18.Frank has ____ sister(s).

A. one        B. two         C. three

(  )19.Sonia and Jane are Frank's _____.

A. daughters     B. aunts        C. sisters

(  )20.David is Frank's ____ .

A. brother       B. uncle      C. son

第二部分 英语知识运用(共三节,满分30分)

第一节  从每小题后的四个选项中,找出与句中划线部分意思相同或相近的一项(共5小题,满分5分)

(  )21.— How are you?

— I'm OK. Thanks.

A.nice      B.good      C.well    D.right

(  )22.— Let me help you.

— Thanks.

— That's OK.

A. That's right.    B. You're welcome.  C. Good.  D. It's right.

(  )23. — Could you give the letter to Maria?

— No problem.

A.Sure     B. OK    C. Of course   D. A, B and C

(  )24. How do you like the dress?

A.What, like   B.What, think of   C.How, think of  D.How, think

(  )25.Why don't you have some fish and eggs?

A.Why don't have     B.Why not you have

C.Why not  have      D.Why have

第二节  单项选择填空(共15小题,满分15分)

(  )26.Jenny is ___ English girl and Kangkang is___ Chinese boy.

A.a ;an     B.an ;an    C.an ;a    D.a ;a

(  )27. — Hi, Tony. ____ is my friend, Jack.

— Hello, Jack! Nice to meet you.

A.She   B.That  C.This  D.He

(  )28.— Is this ____ schoolbag, Michael?

— No, it isn't. ____ is here.

A.your ;My   B.your ;Mine   C. yours ;My D.yours ;Mine

(  )29.— How do you spell your name, please?

A.P-E-T-E-R, Peter.    B.This is Peter.

C.I'm Peter.  D.You can call me Peter.

(  )30.— ____

— She is a nurse.

A. Who is your mother?       B. Is your mother a nurse?

C. Where is your mother?   D. Wha t does your mother do?

(  )31.— ____ skirt is this?

— It's hers.

A. How  B. Whose  C. What color   D. Who

(  )32.My name ____ Jack. Liu Ying and Sun Mei ____ my friends.

A. is ;are  B. is ;is  C. are ;is D. is ;am

(  )33.— These clothes are very nice. Could I_____?

— Sure.

A. try it on  B. try on it C. try them on D. try on them

(  )34.— Hi, Maria. Your skirt is very nice.

—____x k b 1 . c o m

A. Yes, it's nice.     B. That's OK.

C. You're right.       D. Thank you.

(  )35.— ____ your mom ____ Tom?

— No, she ____.

A. Do ;know ;doesn't      B. Does ;know ;doesn't

C. Do ;knows ;do          D. Does ;know ;don't

(  )36.— Does Helen speak English ____?

— Yes. Her English is very ____.

A. good ;good  B. well ;well C. well ;good  D. good ;well

(  )37.— Who is that young man ____?

— He's Michael, my brother. He often reads books___ the sofa.

A. in blue, on       B. on blue, in

C. in a blue, on     D. in a blue, in

(  )38.— Would you like something to eat?


A. Here you are.        B. No, thanks.

C. You're welcome.      D. You're  right.

(  )39.My pen pal is from the USA. But he can ___ some Chinese.

A.say       B.speak   C.tell     D. call

(  )40.— How many ____ would you like?

— Two, please.

A. glasses of milk     B.  glass of milks

C. glasses of milks     D. glass of milk



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