


丰富的学习生活对自己的帮助非常大,接下来就是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供的初一年级上册英语期末测试题,希望会对大家的学习带来帮助!

一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

(   )1. 下列单词中th的发音与其他几个不同的是:______________。

A. think      B. month        C. health       D. those

(   )2. — What would you like for _________ lunch today?

— I’d like just _________hamburger.

A. ; a      B. a; the        C. the; a       D. ;

(   )3. — The cake is too sweet.

— Yes. I won’t put so much _________in cakes next time.

A. salt      B. fruit        C. juice      D. sugar

(   )4. It is not good to go running _________noon.

A. in      B. on         C. at       D. to

(   )5. Eating beef is good for us, because there _________ much energy in it.

A. has      B. have        C. is       D. are

(   )6. — Sir, this is our menu. What would you like to  _________?

— Hmm, two pies and a cup of coffee.

A. cook     B. make        C. eat       D. order

(   )7. There isn’t any _________ in this supermarket.

A. sheep      B. tree         C. fruit       D. hills

(   )8. — Do  _________ in your school have a holiday on March 8?

— No. But there is usually a big party for them.

A. woman teachers B. women teachers    C. women teacher D. woman teacher

(   )9. The pears _________really nice. I’d like to have some more.

A. see      B. seem        C. sound      D. taste

(   )10. — What drink would you like, Andy?

— Could we have _________?

A. two glasses of orange juice        B. two glass of orange juice

C. two glasses of orange juices        D. two glass of orange juices

(   )11. Simon likes pears _________apples, but he doesn’t like bananas_________ oranges.

A. and; and B. or; or     C. and; or   D. or; and

(   )12. Taking a walk after supper can help us _________ fit.

A. plan      B. make        C. keep       D. want

(   )13. —_________milk do you have every day, Nancy?

— I have two cartons of milk every day.

A. How much     B. How many      C. How often     D. How long

(   )14. — How often do you eat snacks between meals?

— _________. I don’t think they are good for me.

A. Often     B. Usually        C. Seldom      D. Always

(   )15. — Mum, I’d like to play computer games this afternoon.

— _________. But please do your homework first.

A. All right   B. That’s right      C. That’s all right  D. All the best



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