


同学们现在正处于这样一个一生中最为关键的时期。因此就得不断努力学习,丰富自己的知识,下面是威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家整理的初一英语上册期末考试卷,希望对大家有帮助。


1. ---Is this your mum?


A. I am     B. she is     C. it is

2. The girl ___________front of Tony is Betty.

A. in        B. on      C. to

3.---Are these your grandparents?


A. Yes, it is.    B. Yes, they’re        C.No, they aren’t.

4. Betty King’s first name is____________.

A.Betty       B. King         C. Betty King

5.---What’s your mother’s job?

---She is a __________.

A. book      B. nurse        C. 36

6._____________mothers are at the same hospital.

A. Lingling and Daming’s  B. Lingling’s and Daming  C.Lingling’s and Daming’s

7.---__________this?      ---That’s my dad.

A. Who’s     B. Whose       C. Who

8.There are __________people in my family, my father, mother and I.

A. one       B. two          C. three

9.Mike ___________Chinese, he is from England.

A. is       B. isn’t       C. aren’t

10._____________Greens are happy every day.

A. A        B. An        C. The

11.My father is __________English teacher at a school.

A. a        B. an        C. the

12.My father stands next__________my mother.

A. to        B. in        C. of

13.My uncle __________in a bus station.

A. work       B. works      C. working

14.Hong Xiaogang is an___________.

A. nurse       B. teacher      C. actor

15.My father is a manager____________a hotel.

A. of      B. on     C. with



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