


试题对朋友们的学习非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了七年级英语上册期末训练试题,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!





(   )16. —Excuse me, when is the Christmas party of our school?

—This year, it's_______18:00_______ Monday evening.

A. on, in B. at, on         C. at, in        D. on, on

(   )17. We don't have_______ salt at home. Could you go and get _______, please?

A. any, some     B. some, any     C. some, some    D. any, any

(   )18. This pair of trousers looks very nice. Can I _______?

A. try on it    B.  try on them C. try it on    D. try them on

(   )19. —________ woman is Daniel’s mother?

—The one in the red coat.

A. What B. Where C. Who D. Which

(   )20. My father likes reading. There ________ many books on his desk.

A. have B. has C. are D. is

(   )21. Her parents don’t ______ her every day. She can ______ her dress herself(她自己).

A. dress, put on               B. put on, wear

C. dress, wear                D. wear, put on

(   )22. The price of the pen is not _____ but books are always very _________.

A. high, expensive        B. expensive, high

C. high, high                   D. expensive, expensive

(   )23. The man has _________ money, but he has _________ friends.

A. a little, a few B. many, a few

C. a few, many  D. much, few

(   )24. — Do you know the teacher _________ a pair glasses?

— Oh, she is Miss Huang, our English teacher.

A. has B. with C. have D. of

(   )25. — How many ____________ can you see in the kitchen?


A. cartons of orange   B. cartons of oranges

C. carton of oranges   D. carton of orange

(   )26.________your sister often ________ late for school?

A.Does , be      B.Does, / C.Is , /       D.Is , does

(   )27. Would you like to sit between _______?

A.you and he    B. you and him   C. me and him    D. him and me

(   )28. — _______the door, please.

—Come in please. The door _______.

A. Be open, open              B. Be open, is opening

C. Open, opens D. Open, is open

(   )29. I have a pair of colourful trainers. One is on the bed. But I can’t find _____.

A. the other B. other  C. others     D. another

(   )30. — I plan to be the top student in our school this term.  —       .

A. That’s all right B. Good luck to your plan



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