


学习可以这样来看,它是一个潜移默化、厚积薄发的过程。威廉希尔app 编辑了初一英语上册期末复习测试卷,希望对您有所帮助!


(  )1.We _____ a basketball.

A. don’t has  B. don’t have  C. doesn’t have  D. has

(  )2. _____  your mother_____ a watch?

A. Do  haven’t  B. Do has  C. Does have  D. Does has

(  )3. We often play soccer _____ school _____our friends.

A. at with  B. at and  C. in and  D. for  with

(  )4. Do they like pears? No, _____

A. they aren’t  B. they doesn’t  C. they don’t  D. they do

(  )5. Let’s _____hamburgers for dinner. That _______ great.

A. have ,has  B. like, has  C. have ,sound  D. have ,sounds

(  )6. Look! The _____ are on the table.

A. bread  B. strawberry  C. salad  D. tomatoes

(  )7. Please get _____ apple and _____ orange for me.

A. a  a  B. an  a  C. an  an  D. a  an

(  )8. Some bread _____ on the table. Let’s eat _____  .

A. is  it  B. are  them  C. is  them  D. are  it

(  )9. I don’t want _____ lunch today.

A. eating  B. to eat  C. eat  D. eats

(  )10. It’s noon (中午) now. Let’s have_____ .

A. dinner  B. lunch  C. breakfast  D. doesn’t

(   ) 11. I ____ some milk and eggs every morning.

A. drink       B. have        C. eat         D. has

(   )12. My little sister _____ broccoli or onions.

A. doesn’t like  B. like        C. likes      D. don’t like

(   )13. She likes ice cream, _____ she doesn’t like water.

A. and      B. or        C. so       D. but

(   )16.Miss Li is ________ English teacher. _______ is a good teacher.

A. our, Her    B. my, He   C. a, She  D. an, She

(   ) 17. I think playing football is very _________. I often play it after  class.

A. boring    B. difficult    C. hard     D. Interesting

(   ) 18. The trousers ____ nice, I’ll take______.

A. look; them   B. looks; it    C. look; it   D. looks; them

(   )19. -----How much are the shoes? ------ ________ 100 dollars.

A. It’s      B. These are     C. They are     D. This is

(   ) 20.We sell our clothes _______ very good price.

A. on      B.  in      C. at        D. For

(  )21. We have sweaters ______ all colors _____ $ 5 each.

A. at; i n    B. in; at     C. in; for    D. at; for

(  )22. The blue hat is 10 yuan, and the black hat is ______ 10 yuan.

A. also  B. too     C. very  D. more

(   )23.—I lost my dictionary.  —Let me ______ you look for it.

A. help    B. helps   C. helping  D. to help

(   )24.They like _______ after school.

A. play the basketball      B. play basketball

C. to play the basketball     D. to play basketball

(   )25 .----____do you want?  ----Blue.

A. How much      B. What color    C. What     D. When



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