


试题对朋友们的学习非常重要,大家一定要认真掌握,威廉希尔app 为大家整理了七年级英语上册期末模拟重点测试题,让我们一起学习,一起进步吧!

一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20 分)

(   )1. There is _______ “a” and _______”n” in the word “fan”.

A. an, an  B. an, a  C. a, an   D. a,  a

(   )2. ______ the wolf eat vegetables?

A. Is    B. Do     C. Does        D.Are

(   ) 3. They would like _________ their grandparents on Saturday.

A. visit   B. visiting  C. to visit       D.visits

(   )4. — _______ do you use a computer?   — Every weekend.

A. How often   B. How long   C. How many  D.How

(   )5. We read books and we can get ________.

A. many  information  B. much information

C. a few information    D.A lots of information

(   )6. ——Would you like to go to the zoo?

——Oh, ________.

A. I’m not  B. I’d love to   C. I’m very good   D. I’m free

(   ) 7. I ______  play games but my brother often ________.

A. don’t; does          B. doesn’t; does

C. don’t; don’t          D.doesn’t;doesn’t

(   ) 8. Let’s ___________ the classroom after school.

A. clean  B. cleaning C. cleans  D.to clean

(   ) 9. What about _________ basketball with them this Friday afternoon?

A.  play   B. playing  C. plays   D.to play

(   ) 10. M y father likes ________________ novels.

A. seeing  B. watching   C. reading  D.looking

(   ) 11. There __________ a pair of shoes under the bed.

A. is    B. are  C. be     D.am

(   )12. I want to buy _________________.

A. two box of apple     B. two boxes of apple

C. two boxes of apples   D. two box of appples

(   )13. — Is it the twins’ bedroom? — Yes, it is. It’s _____ bedroom.

A. Lily’s and Lucy’s     B. Lily’s and Lucy

C. Lily and Lucy’s     D. Lilys’ and lucys’

(   ) 14. ________ Friday afternoon, he often ________ the piano.

A. In; play  B. On; plays  C. In; playing  D.On playing

(   ) 15. Betty’s brother often buys CDs ____ her favourite singers.

A. by  B. of  C. with   D for

(   ) 16. The students can’t  _ _______ TV.

A. watch always      B. always watches

C.  always watch    D. watch always

(   )17. My computer can work again.Thanks ______,Mr Wang.

A .a lot of  B. a lot  C. lots of  D .a little



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