


在初中这个过渡的时期,总是有同学面对新问题准备的不好,掉下队来,同时,也有些同学方法得当,后来居上。为什么会这样呢?在这里,威廉希尔app 编辑了初一年级英语上册期末模拟试卷,以备借鉴。

第Ⅰ卷  听力部分略



(    )21.There is_____f and _____ u in the word fun

A.an; an        B.a; a       C.an,a       D.a;an

(    )22.______name is Gina and______name is Mark.

A.His; her      B.His;his      C.Her;his      D.Her;her

(    )23.---_______,what’s this in English?

----________,I don’t know.

A.Excuse me ; sorry       B.I’m sorry ; Excuse me

C.Excuse me ; Excuse me    D.I’M sorry ; sorry

(    )24.----Jim, is this your pen ?

----Let me see,oh,no,it’s not______.

A.I        B.me        C.mine       D.my

(    )25.His eating habit is _______.He eats _______.

A. good ,good  B. good ,well   C. well ,good   D. well ,well

(    )26.My classes finish _______4:30 p.m. ______the afternoon.

A.at ,on       B.in ,in       C.at ,in       D.in ,on

(    )27.Can you __________?

A.to play the piano B. play piano C. play the piano  D. playing the piano

(    )28.How much ______ that pair of shoes?

----Thirty dollars.

A. are        B. am         C. be         D. is

(    )29.He is _______ years old. Today is his ________ birtyday.

A.twelfth , twelfth           B.twelfth , twelve

B.twelve, twelfth           D.twelve, twelve

(    )30.She wants ________ some new books for her daughter.

A. buy        B. sell        C. to buy     D. to sell

(    )31.The price of the trousers ______$20.

A. is         B. are         C.am        D.be

(    )32.This is ________ bedroom. The twin(孪生的)sisters like it very much.

A.Lucy and lily        B.Lucy’s and Lily’s

C.Lucy’s and Lily       D.Lucy and Lily’s

(    )33._______Lily and Yaoyao have lunch at school?

A.Do         B.Does       C.Is         D.Are

(    )34.----Let’s play soccer.


A.Yes,I do     B.That’s a good idea(好主意)    C.Sorry,I don’t   D.No,I  don’t

(    )35.---_______Ed Smith play sports after school?

----No, he  doesn’t. He only ______ them on TV.

A.Does , watches  B.Is ,watch C. Do ,watch D.Does ,watch



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