


学习是一个循序渐进的过程,需要日积月累。威廉希尔app 提供了初一英语第一学期期末模拟考试卷,希望对大家学习有所帮助。


1.There are ___some fruits in it.

A also    B too      C but

2.It is very ___________ the whole afternoon ________ good friends.

A. exciting to spend, with       B. exciting to spend, on

C. excited to spend, with        D. excited to spend, on

3.____ winter, there _____________ in Beijing.

A. In, are a lot of snows   B. In, is lots of snow      C. On, are many snows     D. On, are much snow

4.I like sports and I like music, ________.

A. too    B. also     C. either    D. neither

5. Mary can play soccer and she________ play the guitar.

A. can also             B. also can        C. too can            D. can too

6. Benny saw three ______ climbing the walls.

A. thiefs       B. thief      C. thieves       D. thieve

7. —Tom, what are those?

—They are________.

A. deers       B. a deer      C. deer       D. deeres

8. There ____ a book and two pens on the desk.

A. is         B. are       C. be       D. /

9. The boy is thirsty, and he would like _______.

A. a cup of tea     B. a bowl of rice       C. a box of chocolate     D. a piece of bread

10. Maths _____ my favourite subject.

A. is          B. am       C. are       D. be

11. It’s important _______ us to study hard.

A. to       B. for      C. on       D. with

12. There are many animals on Earth. Some live _____ the land. Some live ____ the water.

A. under; on      B. in; under     C. on; under      D. under; in

13. We must stop _____ the animals!

A. kill       B. to kill   C. killed      D. killing

14.My friend, Nancy, ______. ?

A. needs some helps?       B. don't need any help ?

C. doesn't need any help ?   D. need some help

15. Forests are very important. They provide us _____ a lot of things.

A. of        B. to      C. with      D. for

19. Look! The __________ are falling from the trees.

A. leaf                   B. leafs                 C. leaves            D. leafes



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