


总是有同学面对新问题准备的不好,掉下队来,同时,也有些同学方法得当,后来居上。为什么会这样呢?在这里,威廉希尔app 编辑了初一年级英语上册期末综合试题,以备借鉴。


(    ) 1. I have ______ egg. You can have it.

A. a    B. 不填   C. the     D. an

(    ) 2. My birthday is ______ May and his birthday is ______ March 26th.

A. in; in    B. in; 不填  C. for; 不填   D. at; on

(    ) 3. — Does Helen like ________? — Yes. She likes eating apples, pears and bananas.

A. vegetables  B. sports   C. fruits    D. clothes

(    ) 4. — How do you eat at school?   — We eat _________.

A. well     B. good      C. nice      D. fine

(    ) 5. — Does Peter like geography?   —______. He thinks it is boring.

A. Yes, he is  B. No, he doesn’t   C. Yes, he does     D. No, he isn’t

(    ) 6. —______ is his birthday?   —It is December 19th.

A. How   B. What   C. When    D. Where

(    ) 7. —______?    —He is thirteen.

A. How old is he      B. How is he

C. Where is he     D. How much is it

(    ) 8. — How much are the shorts? —______ 20 dollars.

A. It is   B. They are  C. He is    D. You are

(    ) 9. — Hi, Nancy. Are you _______ now? —Sorry. I have some things to do.

A. healthy  B. busy   C. fat      D. free

(    ) 10. We have ______ at 7 in the morning.

A. breakfast  B. lunch   C. dinner   D. dessert

(    ) 11. — ________ do you like history?  — Because it is interesting.

A. When  B. How    C. Where    D. Why

(    ) 12. — Let’s go to Lihua Clothes Store.

— OK. They _______ all the clothes at very good prices.

A. buy       B. find       C. sell       D. call

(    ) 13. Grace doesn’t like math because she thinks it is ________.

A. difficult     B. fun       C. useful       D. interesting

(    ) 14. — What’s the ________ of the book?  — 5 dollars.

A. time     B. price      C. date        D. color

(    ) 15. — Can I help you? —______

A. Yes, please. I want a hat.  B. You’re welcome.

C. I’m fine. Thanks.     D. Here you are.



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