


广泛的知识有助于学生形成良好的道德品质和健全的人格,向往真、善、美,摈弃假、恶、丑;威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了秋期七年级英语上册第九单元试题,欢迎阅读与选择!



(    )1. A. Thrillers.             B. Apples.             C. Basketball.

(    )2. A. Yes, I do .             B. Yes, I am.           C. Yes, I can.

(    )3. A. I can play the piano.     B. Yes, I can.          C. No, I can’t.

(    )4. A. It’s blue.              B. I’m twelve.          C. It’s January 2nd.

(    )5. A. Yes, I do.              B. Yes, he does.        C. Yes, she does.


(    )6. What club do they want to join?

A. Volleyball club.         B. Baseball club.       C. Basketball club.

(    )7. Who(谁) is her favorite actor?

A. Zhou Xingchi          B. Jackie Chan          C. I don’t know.

(    )8. Does Lucy like documentaries?

A. She likes documentaries.  B. Yes, she does.      C. No, she doesn’t.

(    )9. What kind of movies does the boy like?

A. Comedies.             B. Thrillers.            C. Documentaries.

(    )10. Can the girl play the drums?

A. Yes, she can.           B. No, she can’t         C. I don’t know.


(    )11. What can Mike do ?

A. He can play the guitar.  B. He can play chess. C. He can play the guitar and the piano.

(    )12. How old is John?

A. He is thirteen.          B. He is twelve.        C. I don’t know.

(    )13. What club does Robert want to join?

A. Music club.            B. Chess club.          C. Swimming club.

(    )14. Mike, John and Robert are         .

A. brothers.            B. cousins.          C. friends.

(    )15. Can John play chess?

A. Yes, he can.            B. No, he can’t.         C. I don’t know.


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comedies 16 _______ documentaries ___ exciting 19  ______  20___




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