


鉴于学习知识的重要性,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初一年级英语第一学期第九单元试卷,欢迎阅读与选择,希望对同学们的知识有所帮助。


1.I think the tape is very ______(use).

2.Ken has two favorite ______(subject).

3.Beijing and Shanghai are big ______(city).

4.My little sister knows some ______(word).

5.Do you often ______(do) your homework?

6.Can he ______(play) the guitar?

7.Sonia usually ______(have) math on Tuesday.

8.Linda ______(not do) her homework in the evening.

9.Do you want ______ (know) about my family?

10.Please ______(ask) that man.


1.We have math and Chinese ______ Friday morning.

A.at    B.in     C.on    D.for

2.Nick is ten years old.______ favorite food is chicken.

A.My    B.His    C.Our    D.Your

3.He usually finishes ______ TV at 12:00.

A.watching       B.watches

C.watch        D.to watch

4.Today we have ______ classes,and the ______ class is math.

A.three;tree       B.first;three

C.three;third       D.third;three

5.They ______ busy doing their homework.

A.is     B.am     C.are     D./

6.Please tell me what to do ______.

A.and    B.and then  C.then     D.next

7.Science is difficult ______ interesting.

A.but    B.and    C.or    D.so

8.—When do you ______?

—______ Monday,Wednesday and Friday.

A.have math;On      B.have a math;At

C.have math;At      D.have a math;On

9.______ is the fifth day in a week.

A.Wednesday       B.Thursday

C.Friday        D.Saturday

10.—______ is it?

—It's 8:00 in the morning.

A.When        B.What time

C.Where        D.What

11.—Why don't you like English?

—Because it's ______.

A.interesting       B.fun

C.exciting        D.difficult

12.—What ______ do you like best?


A.food        B.subject

C.sport        D.music

13.Jim likes ______ games with me.

A.play    B.playing    C.plays    D.playes

14.—______do you like music?

—Because it's relaxing.

A.Why    B.When    C.How     D.What

15.I like math______ I like P.E.

A.and    B.but     C.because     D.so



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