牛津版七年级英语上册Unit7 shopping测试卷



广泛的知识有助于学生形成良好的道德品质和健全的人格,向往真、善、美,摈弃假、恶、丑;威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了七年级英语上册Unit7 shopping测试卷,欢迎阅读与选择!

一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

(   )1. — Is 200 yuan enough for _______MP4 player?

— Yes. I don’t need ______ expensive one.

A. a; an     B. an; an       C. a; the       D. the; a

(   )2. — I shall write a letter. Can you get me some ______, please?

— Sure. Here you are.

A. pen      B. paper       C. money      D. note

(   )3. I want a CD ______ mum______a present on Mother’s Day.

A. for; as      B. to; as        C. with; for      D. as; for

(   )4. — What about this brown shirt?

— It isn’t the right ______. A smaller one is better.

A. price      B. colour         C. size        D. style

(   )5. — The blouse is too______ for you.

— Yes. But I will take it, because I’m growing fast (快速成长).

A. cheap      B. pretty        C. large     D. small

(   )6. My father ______fast food. He seldom eats at KFC.

A. likes    B. enjoys       C. loves        D. hates

(   )7. — This sweater is too small. Show me ______ one, please.

— OK. This way, please.

A. the other      B. other        C. another      D. others

(   )8. — Would you like an iPhone 6?

— No. I think an iPhone 6 costs ______ .

A. too high     B. too much       C. too expensive   D. too tall

(   )9. Tom is always busy. He never has ______ time for his hobbies.

A. every       B. each         C. some        D. any

(   )10. There ______some bread in the kitchen.

A. have      B. has         C. are       D. is

(   )11. — Would you like ______fish for dinner, dear?

— Thanks a lot. But I dislike fish.

A. a  B. an     C. some   D. any

(   )12. — I’m sure the jeans fit you well.

— Well, I can’t say that before I ______.

A. try them on   B. try on them       C. try it on      D. try on it

(   )13. —______ stops are there between the hospital and your home?

— Three.

A. How long    B. How much      C. How many     D. How far

(   )14. — Are there any restaurants in this street?

—  ______ . We have to (不得不) go to Tongji Street for lunch.

A. Yes, there are

B. No, there aren’t

C. Yes, there aren’t

D. No, there are

(   )15. — Is Wendy coming to our party?

— Maybe.______.

A. Just a minute   B. You’re welcome  C. But I’m not sure D. Have a good time



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