2016学年七年级英语上册测试题:Module 8



学期时间已经很长的时间,家长在在学期中一定督促孩子认真完成作业和注意学期安全。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了七年级英语上册测试题,供大家参考。

一. 单项选择 (每小题1分,共15分)

(   )  1. My uncle gives me  _______  gift every year. ____ gift in that box is from him.

A. a; A         B. a; The

C. the; A      D. the; The

(   )  2. 下列单词中含有两个以上音节数的是:

A. leather       B. among

C. enjoy       D. potato

(   )  3. — Is WeChat  ____  with young people?

— Yes. Most young people like it.

A. different      B. popular

C. important     D. special

(   )  4. — What’s the boy  ____   a white jacket doing?

— He is waiting  ____   the bus stop to take the bus home.

A. on; at      B. in; in

C. in; at      D. in; for

(   )  5. This ____  is a good place to go for lunch.

A. cinema       B. restaurant

C. hospital      D. supermarket

(   )  6. — I’m hungry. Can I have ____ bread?

— Sorry. I don’t have ____

A. any; some    B. any; any

C. some; any     D. some; some

(   )  7. — Mum, I need a new football.

— OK. I will take you to the ____ this afternoon.

A. sports shop    B. bookshop

C. toy shop      D. flower shop

(   )  8. — How much does an iPhone 6  ____ ?

— More than 5,000 yuan.

A. take      B. spend

C. pay      D. cost

(   )  9. I don’t like this dress. Please show me  ____   one.

A. other      B. another

C. anothers      D. others

(   )10. —  ____   there any grass in front of your house?

— No, but there  ____  some trees in front of it.

A. Is; are      B. Are; is

C. Are; are      D. Is; is

(   )11. — Where do we usually see this sign (标志)?

— ____.

A. On clothes    B. On food

C. On books       D. On shoes

(   )12. — Amy, can you answer the phone? I ____dumplings.

— OK, Mum. I’m coming.

A. make      B. makes

C. to make      D. am making

(   )13. — These jeans look so nice. Can I  ____ ?

— Sure. Here is the fitting room.

A. try it on      B. try on it

C. try them on     D. try on them

(   )14. — Where is Simon?

— He      games in the park.

A. play      B. plays

C. is playing     D. are playing

(   )15. — Is Tom in the computer room?

—  ____ Maybe he is in the art room.

A. I am not sure   B. All right

C. I think so       D. That’s true



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