





1. What does Mary like?

A. Chicken.      B. Broccoli.     C. Milk.

2. What does the woman want?

A. Orange.      B. Coffee.     C. Tea.

3. What sport does the woman like?

A. Table tennis.     B. Basketball.     C. Tennis.

4.What fruit does Bob like?

A. Apples.      B. Oranges.     C. Bananas.

5.What does Tony like?

A. Chicken.      B. Vegetables.     C. Vegetable salad.



6.Who has a volleyball?

A. Ann.      B. Linda.      C. We don’t know.

7.What does Linda’s friend like?

A. Volleyball and coke.    B. Basketball and orange.

C. Volleyball and orange.


8.What does Tom not like to eat?

A. Fruit.      B. Fast food.     C. Vegetables.

9.Does Tom play sports?

A. We don’t know.    B. Yes, every day.    C. No, he doesn’t.

10.Where is Tom’s mother?

A. She is at home.    B. She is in a shop.    C.She is at the doctor’s.


11. Where does Little David like to eat?

A. At home.                  B. At school.                C. At a restaurant.

12. What does he often eat in the restaurant?

A. Beef and tomatoes.     B. A hamburger and cola.

C. A hamburger and potato chips.

13. Do people in this restaurant know him very well?

A. Yes, they do.              B. No, they don’t.             C. We don’t know.

14. What do they often ask him?

A. What would you like to eat?  B. What would you like to drink?

C. Why do you like to eat here?

15. What does Little David say?

A. Because I like the toys here.

B. I would like a hamburger and some potato chips.

C. I would like a hamburger and cola.


16.A.Billy Brown   B.Bill Brady    C.Billy Brady

17.A.bread and meat  B.bread and milk   C.fruit and meat

18.A.a hamburger   B.French fries    C.vegetables

19.A.cheese    B.chicken    C.bread

20.A.fruit     B.iced Coke    C.fruit and ice-cream

16._______ Father Mother

breakfast 17.  _______ ,fruits

lunch 18.  _______and Coke rice and vegetables 19. _______  and salad

dinner fish,vegetables, rice, and 20.



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