




1.Ben's uncle ______(eat)carrots every day.

2.My sister wants ______(be) healthy.

3.Are these your ______(strawberry)?

4.Let's ______(have)chicken for dinner.

5.Three ____ __(tomato)are on the table.

6.Eric ______(have)bread for lunch.

7.Sports star eats ______(good).

8.He has two ______(watch).

9.I like ______(salad).

10.The boy likes ______(play)tennis.


1.—______your grandmother watch TV in the evening?

—______.She doesn't like watching TV.

A.Does;No,she doesn't    B.Doesn't;Yes,she doesn't

C.Does;Yes,she does      D.Doesn't;No,she does

2.—Tom likes eggs______ breakfast.

—I don't like eggs at all.

A.with          B.in

C.for         D.by

3.—Lin Ming ______baseball.He plays chess(国际象棋).

—Oh,it isn't good for him.

A.don't play       B.doesn't play

C.doesn't have       D.don't have

4.—Some chicken ______on the table;help yourself!(随便吃点)

—Thank you very much.

A.has        B.have

C.is         D.are

5.—What do you and your cousin ______?

—I______a baseball and my cousin______two volleyballs.

A.have;has;have    B.have;have;have

C.has;have;has    D.have;have;has

6.—What do you have for breakfast?

—______ egg.

A.A          B.An

C.The        D./

7.Do you eat ______ at school?

A.well        B.good

C.nice        D.fun

8.I like carrots,and I eat ______ for breakfast.

A.it         B.they

C.them        D.us

9.Let's ______ to school,OK?

A.go         B.goes

C.to go        D.going

10.—Do you like chicken?


A.Yes,I do       B.No,I' m not

C.Yes,he does      D.No,she doesn't

11.Mary______ salad.

A.don't like       B.doesn't like

C.doesn't likes       D.like

12.There is some ______ on the plate(盘子).

A.oranges        B.bread

C.bananas        D.tomatoes

13.We should eat ______ food.

A.unhealth       B.healthy

C.health        D.unhealthy

14.My brother ______ an apple.

A.want eat       B.wants eating

C.wants to eat       D.wants eat

15.What does he ______ the food?

A.think of        B.thinks of

C.thinks about       D.thinking about



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