



第一部分 听力部分(共20分)

第一节 根据所听到的内容,选择相应的图画.(5分)

A .math teacher           B .Chinese teacher     C .English teacher

第二节  对话理解 ,听下面的对话,从A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳答案.(10分)


(    )6.Where did Ben go on vacation?

A.To New York           B.To London          C.To Beijing


(    )7.What lesson does Lucy have this Sunday morning?

A.A tennis lesson          B.A dance lesson      C.A guitar lesson


(    )8.What color is Kate’s skirt?

A.Yellow                 B.Red              C.Black


(    )9.What’s the best in the restaurant?

A.The food               B.The service         C.The floor


(    )10.What did Jean watch yesterday evening?

A.A comedy              B.A talent show       C.An action movie


(    )11.Who went to Shanghai last month?

A.Jim                   B.Mary              C.Jim’s parents

(    )12.How many soap operas did Mary watch?

A.One                   B.Two              C.Three


(    )13.Where is Ted from?

A.India                  B.America           C.Australia

(    )14.How does Ted go to school every day?

A.He runs.                B.He walks.         C.He rides his bike.

(    )15.When does Ted usually arrive at school?

A.At about 7:00          B. At about 7:20       C. At about 7:40

第三节 笔录要点,根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过三个单词.(5分)

Alice’s Sunday

She went to her uncle’s 16__________________ with her parents.

In the morning She helped her uncle  17___________ the hens.

In the afternoon She 18_________ with her cousin Jack.

In the evening She ate 19_________,eggs and fish for dinner.

After dinner She went home by 20__________.

第二部分 笔试部分(共100分)


(  )21. ---_______does your mother watch the Talk show? ---Once a week.

A. How long    B.  How often     C.  How son    D. How many

(  )22.Our city is becoming _______ .

A.more and most beautiful                 B.more beautiful and more beautiful

C. more and more beautiful                D. beautiful and beautiful

(  )23. Our teacher asked us to_______ a story about the moon.

A.make up            B.make of           C.make in       D. make out

(  )24. Do you have _______ to say about this?

A.something different                     B.anything different

C.different something                     D.different anything

(  )25. The weather in Guiyang in summer is ___than that in Beijing. They are different.

A.cool              B.much cooler        C.hot           D.much hotter

(  )26. Do you mind my ______the door. It’s cold outside.

A.close              B.closing            C.closes         D.closed

(  )27. Of the two coats, she ‘d like to choose the ____one to save money for a book.

A.cheapest         B.cheaper       C.more expensive     D. Most expensive

(  )28.---Do you play computer games?

---No,_______. I don’t like them at all.

A.always             B.often         C.usually           D.never

(  )29. Little Tom eats_______food , so he is_______fat .

A.much too; too much              B.much too; too many

C.too much; much too             D.too much; too many

(  )30. Walt Disney was famous _______his cartoons.

A.like               B.as            C.at                D.for

(  )31. — Do you like your net friend ?

—Yes. He is funny. He always makes me _______.

A. laugh             B.to laugh        C.laughing        D. laurghed

(  )32. If you plan _______a movie, choose Mulan.

A.watch             B.to watch       C.watching        D.watched

(  )33. What do you_______this new watch?

A.think at           B.think of         C.think over      D.think hard

(  )34. Thanks for ____me to the party.

A.invite            B.to invite         C.inviting        D.invited

(  )35. My shoes are cheaper than _______.

A.you             B.your            C.yours          D.your one



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