




1.There are some ________(西红柿)in the basket.

2. We should eat lots of __________(蔬菜)

3. The little girl likes _____________(草莓)a lot.

4. I like f__________, for example(例如): apples, bananas and oranges.

5. Give him two ____________. (汉堡)

6. Tomorrow is Tom’s b_________. Let’s have a party for him.

7.I want to know about your eating h__________.

8. _______________(健康的)food is important(重要的).

9. It’s a r_________ hard (困难的)question.   10. The music s________ good.

11. I have noodles for b___________.           12. Zhou Jielun is a singing s________.


(     )1. I like ________. What about you?

A read books    B reading books    C watch TV    D watches TV

(     )2. Eating ______ food is good for our ________.

A healthily; health   B health;healthy     C healthy; health

(     )3. I want ______ some books.   A buying   B buy  C to buy  D bought

(     )4. I often have chicken and fruit ______ dinner.  A for   B of   C at    D in

(    )5. Some ________ are flying kites near the river.

A child     B boy    C boys   D childs

(     )6. Look! Some salad ______ here and some hamburgers ______ there.

A are;are     B are;is    C is;are    D is;is

(     )7. Do you like those ______ in the box?

A tomatos     B familys     C strawberries     D dictionarys



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