


苏霍姆林斯基说:“让学生变得聪明的办法,不是补课,不是增加作业量,而是阅读、阅读、再阅读。”威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了秋季学期七年级英语试卷,欢迎阅读与选择!

1.You’ll have an exam soon. I think you should spend ______ time on your homework.

A.less B.more C.fewer D.shorter

2.David is______ student in our class. Nobody is taller than him.

A. tall               B. taller              C. the tallest

3.Which is______, a monkey, a mouse, or a lion?

A.big  B.bigger C.the biggest  D.biggest

4.Tom is one of _______ boys. He studies ________.

A. best, the most careful          B. the best, most carefully

C. the most, the more careful      D. best, most carefully

5.New York is one of ______ on the east coast of the USA .

A. biggest city      B. the biggest city    C. biggest cities     D. the biggest cities

6.His school is 5 kilometers(公里) _______ his home.

A. to           B. from            C. away        D. far

7.It will ______ us 2 hours _______ to the park.

A. spend, to go    B. take, going     C. take, to go    D. spend, to go

8.Tom _______ much time ________his family.

A. spend, on    B. take, on     C. takes, with    D. spends, with

9.Jim _____ go to the party if he finish(完成)the homework today.

A. is able to   B. will be able to    C. will is able to     D. will be able

10.They _____ go to the park, because it is raining outside.

A. will not be able to   B. are not able to    C. able to     D. will be able

11.Tom is able to _____ a bike.

A. rides   B. riding    C. to ride     D. ride

12.My mother has to get up early______ the first bus.

A. catch   B. to catch   C. catches     D. catching

13.We _____ spend some time with our homework every day.

A. is able to   B. has to    C. have to     D. will

14.She is going to collect________ tonight.

A. as many interesting story as she can     B. as much interesting story as she can

C. as much interesting stories as she can     D. as many interesting stories as she can

15.The people here try to collect_______ in dry season.

A. as many rain as they can     B. as much rain as they can

C. as much rains as they can     D. as many rains as they can

16.The boy can speak English _____ his elder brother.

A.as good as    B.as easy as C.as well as  D.as fluent as

17.Bring it nearer _____ I may see it better.

A. although   B. even though    C. so that    D. since

18.Please leave your phone number ______ we can get in touch with(联系)你.



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