



一、 单项选择。(20分)

(    )1. ________ you like ice cream?   A. Are       B. Am        C. Does        D. Do

(    )2.  ______ play table tennis. K    A. Let       B. Lets        C. Let’s       D. It’s

(    )3. —     does your father have     lunch? —Chicken  and tomatoes.

A. What; for  B. What; / C. How; for   D. How; /

(    )4. —Lucy, can you help me?  —      .  A. Excuse me   B. Sure   C. You are right  D. No, I can’t

(    )5. Peter with his friends      soccer every afternoon.  A. play   B. plays   C. playing   D. plays the

(    )6. —Happy birthday to you.  —_______

A. The same to you .B. Happy birthday.  C. You’re welcome D. Thank you.

(    )7. —Does your friend like salad?   — _________.

A. Yes, she like.   B. No, she does.  C. Yes, she doesn’t  D. No, she doesn’t.

(    )8. —Does your English teacher play basketball very _____ ?  —Yes, She does.

A. good   B. nice   C. great     D. well

(    )9. —David, what do you think ______ this birthday dinner?  —Great!  A. on B. to   C. up  D. about

(    )10. —Let’s _______ baseball. —OK. Let’s _______.  A. play; go  B. plays; go  C. play; to go D. play; goes

(    )11. I eat some _____ every day.    A. orange     B. oranges     C. chickens     D. carrot

(    )12. I eat some vegetables, like ______.   A. chicken    B. eggs     C. tomatoes    D. hamburgers

(    )13. Lee is a _______ star.   A. sport     B. sports     C. sporting     D. English

(    )14. Bob wants to eat ______ apple after dinner.   A. a        B. an       C. the       D. some

(    )15. —Can you play volleyball?  —No, I can’t. It is very        . A. good B. nice  C. difficult   D. fun

(    )16. Let’s     now.    A. to have dinner    B. has dinner      C. have the dinner      D. have dinner

(    )17. What ________ she have ________ dinner?    A. do; in    B. does; for     C. is; at      D. can; to

(    )18.There is some ________ on the table.    A. tomatoes   B. egg     C. chicken     D. bananas

(    )19. Jim is a healthy boy, he has a good     . A. eat habits  B. eating habit  C. eating habits D. eatting habits

(    )20. We need(需要) some ________ every day.  A. healthy food   B. salads   C. milks     D. vegetable

二、 完形填空。(30分)


Look at this picture. This is a photo   21  my family. There are  22  people in the picture. They are my   23  , my mother, my brother, my sister and me. My father is a teacher, My mother is a teacher, too. They’re in   24   school. The __25   beside (在……旁边) my mother is my brother. He  26  play sports, he only watches them on TV. The girl near(在……附近)my mother is my   27  . She likes vegetables and fruit, and she often plays volleyball,so she is very  28  . Everyone likes  29   very much. Who is the boy in the middle? Ah! It is  30  . I love my family very much.

(    )21. A. for   B. on      C. of      D. in        (    )22. A. seven  B. six     C. five   D. three

(    )23. A. mother B. father C. grandfather D. grandmother  (    )24. A. same  B. the some C. the same  D. two

(    )25. A. girl   B. boy    C. son   D. man            (    )26. A. likes  B. don’t  C. doesn’t   D. often

(    )27. A. aunt  B. sister  C. daughter D. cousin         (    )28. A. happy  B. healthy C. easy   D. fat

(    )29. A. her  B. she   C. she’s      D. he          (    )30. A. I   B. me    C. my     D. mine



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