


中学生们开始计划自己的复习计划该怎么开始。学生都希望可以自己支配,做自己想做的事,接下来就是威廉希尔app 为大家整理的初一年级上册英语第六单元试卷



(    )1. A. Yes, it is .               B. Yes, I am .             C. Yes, it does.

(    )2. A. Nice to meet you, too.     B. Good morning.         C. Fine, thanks.

(    )3. A. My name’s Gina.         B. I have a book.          C. I don’t know.

(    )4. A. Yes, I can.               B. P- E-N-C-I-L.         C. Thank you.

(    )5. A. It’s a book.              B. They are red.          C. They are books.


(    )6. What color is the pen?

A. It’s green.            B. It’s black.             C. It’s yellow.

(    )7. Does Jim have a black pen?

A. Yes, he does.          B. No, he doesn’t.         C. I don’t know.

(    )8. Where’s her backpack?

A. It’s on the dresser.      B. It’s under the bed.      C. It’s on the bed.

(    )9. What does the boy like to eat ?

A. apples.               B. pears.                C. bananas.

(    )10. What’s the boy’s first name ?

A. Jim                 B. Green.               C. Jim Green.


(    )11. Does Linda have a ping-pong bat?

A. Yes, she does.            B. No, she doesn’t.         C. I don’t know.

(    )12. Who(谁)has a volleyball?

A. Linda                  B. David                  C. Linda’s brother

(    )13. Where’s David’s tennis racket?

A. Under the bed.           B. On the dresser.           C. In the room.

(    )14. How many(多少个) tennis balls does Linda’s brother have?

A. Five                   B. Six                     C. Seven

(    )15. What will Linda and David play at last(最终)?

A. Play ping-pong.          B. Play volleyball.           C. Play tennis.


16. John Smith is a running          .

17. He eats lots of          food.

18. He likes          for breakfast.

19. For dinner, He has         and tomatoes.

20. He has ice cream for         .



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