初一英语第一学期第六单元试卷:Do you like bananas?



练习的应用越来越广泛了,我们必须好好来学习知识。对此威廉希尔app 初中频道编辑为大家整理了初一英语第一学期第六单元试卷

一、单项选择 (40)

(   )1. “ -________   ?” -“No, I don’t.”

A.  Do you like bread      B. Do it like this

C.  Are you like bread      D. Does he like it

(   )2. My sister likes _______     and_______     .

A. singing; reading     B. to sing; to read

C. singing; to read      D. to sing; reading

(   )3. I like eggs, tomatoes and bananas for_______     breakfast.

A. the     B. a     C. /      D. an

(   )4. “___Tom __a new computer?” “Yes, he likes it very much.”

A. Doe s; has   B. Do; have    C. Does; have    D. Does; like

(   )5. I like _____    chess, but I don’t like_____     it today.

A. playing the; to play   B. to play; to play

C. to play; playing      D. playing; to play

(   )6. “Is my picture here” “ __________   .”

A. Yes, you are      B. Yes, it is

C. No, they aren’t     D. No, he isn’t

(   )7. Are those________     in the picture?

A. apple trees    B. apples tree    C. apples trees     D. apple tree

(   )8. “Do you have a basketball?” “ ______  .”

A. Yes, I have   B. No, I haven’t     C. Do, like     D. Yes, I do

(   )9. My brother Jack ____    like flying kites ____    playing chess.

A. don’t; or    B. don’t; and    C. doesn’t; or     D. doesn’t; and

(   )l0. We can buy some apples in that_____     shop.

A. fruits     B. fruit     C. fruit’s     D. fruits’

(   )11. Broccoli and carrots are _____   .

A. fruits    B. fruit     C. vegetables     D. vegetable

(   )12. “Do you like_____    ?” “Yes, I do.”

A. a broccoli     B carr ot     C. ice creams     D. tomatoes

(   )13. Look! some meat_____in the bag. Some vegetables     in the basket.

A. are; is     B. are; are     C. is; is     D. is; are

(   )14. My brother_____     very much.

A. like banana   B. likes bananas    C. like bananas   D. likes banana

(   )l5. There is some ____     on the table.

A. banana     B. chicken     C. tomato     D. apple

(   )l6. There is _____    shop near here.

A. not    B not any    C. no any    D. no

(   )17. There _____    white sheep on the hill.

A. is    B. has     C. are     D. have

(   )18. “Do your father and mo ther like strawberries?” “Yes, _____   .”

A. you do     B. he does     C. they do    D. she does

(   )19.  _____   like hamburgers._____     likes carrots.

A. She; I    B. They;  she    C. We;  they     D. He; she

(   )20. The lunch in our school______    good.

A. are     B. be     C. is      D. /



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