




1.—What are the girls doing?

—They are playing______ basketball now.

A.a       B.an            C.the         D./

2.  _______ your friend have ________ iphone5S?

A. Do; have     B. Does; have      C. Does; has     D. Do; has

3.Peter's father often watches basketball games ______TV.

A.in       B.on   C.at       D.of

4. I don’t have a volleyball, but my brother has _______.

A. a            B. it             C . one          D. an

5.—Your English is very good.


A.You're right   B.Thank you    C.You’re OK    D.Don't say so

6. There ________ a pen, three books and some rulers on the desk.

A.has    B.have         C.is           D.are

7.We need one baseballs and two ______.

A.baseballs bats   B.baseballs bat   C.baseball bats   D.baseball bat

8.Mr. Black doesn't like the lecture (演讲) .It is ______.

A.interesting   B.boring     C.fun    D.relaxing

9.—Let's watch TV.


A.Sorry,I don't       B.That's a good idea

C.Yes,I do           D.No,I don't

10. We have lots of ________ every day.

A. healthy food     B. salads         C.  milks       D. vegetable

11. There is a _______ shop and it sells bananas, apples, pears and oranges.

A. vegetable     B. food          C. fruit          D. drink

12. What _______ she have _______ dinner?

A. do; in         B. does; for       C. is; at        D. can; to

13. —Some chicken ______on the table, jus t help yourself!(随便吃点)

—Thank you very much.

A.has      B.have        C.is     D.are

14. What does he ______ the food?

A.think of    B.thinks of     C.thinks about    D.thinking about

15. I have a cat and it eats _______ fish every day.

A. a lots          B. many           C. a lot        D. much



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