


学习生活,尤其要注意知识点的积累。因此,威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家准备了初一秋季学期英语第五单元试卷,欢迎阅读与选择!


basketball, computer, sharpener, sofa, dictionary, chair, tennis racket, volleyball, baseball, desk, pencil, bookcase





(   ) 1. His family name is White.

A. last name B. middle name C. first name D. given name

(   ) 2. I think the math class is boring, so I don’t like it.

A. interesting B. difficult C. not interesting D. not difficult

(   ) 3. Thanks a lot.

A. many  B. very much C. very D. much

(   ) 4. Ed likes sports.

A. has B. have C. does D. loves

(   ) 5. Let’s have a look at the collections.

A. have a watch              B. see                            C. look at                   D. look



(   ) 1. Do you have _______ eraser?

A. some  B. a  C. an

(   ) 2. I like playing tennis. I have two new _______.

A. rackets B. volleyballs C. computers

(   ) 3. I have a new backpack, but my sister _______ one.

A. has B. don’t have C. doesn’t have

(   ) 4. Tom doesn’t play soccer. He only _______ it on TV.

A. sees B. watches C. looks at

(   ) 5. — Let’s play chess.

— No, it’s _______. I want to watch TV.

A. interesting B. relaxing C. boring

(   ) 6. — Let’ s play computer games.

— _______.

A. I’m glad to hear that

B. I play it every day

C. That sounds good


(   ) 1. Are there pictures on the wall? A. Yes, they do.

(   ) 2. Is there a ball under the desk? B. Yes, it is.

(   ) 3. Do they have a tennis racket? C. Yes, they are.

(   ) 4. Does she like the hat? D. Yes, there is.

(   ) 5. Let’s play computer games? E. Yes, she does.

(   ) 6. Is that your baseball? F. They are chairs.

(   ) 7. Are these chairs? G. No, there aren’t.

(   ) 8. Are these chairs or sofas? H. I have many sports collections.

(   ) 9. What’s on the dresser? I. There is a watch on it.

(   ) 10. What do you have? J. That sounds good.



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