


学期时间已经很长的时间,丰富多彩的秋季学期生活。威廉希尔app 初中频道为大家提供了初一年级英语上册期中试卷,供大家参考。


(   ) 1--- How about going on a school trip this weekend ?

---That sounds __________. I like going outside

A. boring      B. easy      C. interesting   D. difficult

(  )2.—Do you like ________ ?? —Yes, I do.

A. tomato and noodle      B. tomato and noodles?

C. tomatos and noodle?  D. tomatoes and noodles

(  )3.Please give me ________ and two        .?

A. a bottle of apple juices; breads?  B. a bottle of apple juice; fruit cakes?

C. an apple juice; bread?         D an apple juice, breads

(  )4  There is  _____orange on the table.  _______  orange is green.?

A. an; An      B. th e; The       C  an; The  D.the;a

(   ) 5 Ann helps Lily with her homework _______ eight o’clock ______ Sunday

A on ; in      B in ; on       C at ; on      D in ; at

(  )6 --- What day is it today?  ---  _________.         .

A. It’s cool    B. It’s Tuesday   C. It’s eight o’clock  D It’s sunny.

(  )7.There ______ a bed and two chairs in my bedroom

A. are        B. is           C.has           D have

(  )8. Kevin likes animals, ______ monkeys and pandas.

A. so               B. so as         C. such as                  D. such

(  )9. Peter’s father and mother are not busy this evening. He wants to have dinner with ______.

A. us          B. them        C. him           D. her

(    ) 10 It’s time ___ lunch

A have    B having    C to have    D for have

(  )11. —______ your cousin have lunch in the dining hall?—Yes, he ______.

A. Does; does  B. Do; do  C. Do; does    D. Does; do

(  )12. —Welcome to China! —______.

A. OK        B. Bye     C. Fine, thanks   D. Thank you

(   )13 There is only one computer in my home, so I share it _____ my parents.

A. in        B. with    C. for         D. by

(   )14. —_____ do you contact (联系)?   —By QQ.

A. When      B. How    C. Where     D. Who

(   )15We go to ________ playground and play ________ football on Sunday.

A. the; the         B. a; the   C. 不填; a     D. the; 不填

(   )16. —How about your _____ for the weekend?    —I want to go to the beach (沙滩).

A. dinner     B. plan     C. job     D. lesson

(   )17.My father has got a brother,   ______ my mother hasn’t.

A. but        B. so       C. and     D because

(   )18 .Sorry, there is ________  food in the fridge.

A. a       B. some      C. any      D no

(   )19._________students are there in your class?    Forty- four.

A. How many   B. How old   C. How much

(   )20 --- Has she got any sisters?  ----       . She has got one sister.

A. No, she hasn’t    B. Yes, she has    C. No, she doesn’t  DYes,she does.



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